AU: Storm magic

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 - When the skies darken, you can sometimes feel the air inhale; you too, take a deep breathe and the share the energy trapped in your lungs.

 - All is still, waiting, knowing not what the sky will leave in its wake.

 - Thunder rumbles in the distance greeting you as an old friend.

 - There is a soft sound of rain, growing stronger, faster. Hitting the rooftops, pattering upon the leaves, its fall has a lyrical cadence.

 - Wind whistles past, quick to greet you and quicker yet to dance away into unknowns.

 - At night you look up, watching as the sky comes alight above you. Perhaps angry, or joyful, or proud; the clouds lack nothing of passions.

 - Windows open a breeze flows past with lingering touches of petrichor, roses, magic.

 - Softness spreads. Birdsong rings out, gentle first yet stronger each second, greeting the coming change of time.

 - The air exhales.

 - You have held your breath for so long. The magic passes with the storm, but its power lingers.

 - Like rain unto Earth, it soaked into your pores and flows through your bloodstream. 

 - Feel the clouds break. Let the sun warm your skin.

 - Breathe in.

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