HOW TO: Mages, healers and druids

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Mages proficient with fire typically wear black clothes. The ash produced from their flames is a pain to get out so they wear black to save themselves the hassle. 

Druids and mages associated don't wear green voluntarily. Their magical core encourages plant growth, covering them in an array of flora. That green tunic? It's just moss and chlorophyll seeping into the cloth. 

Healers typically wear white by accident - healing magic not only cleanses wounds but it also cleans dirt, grime and even dyes resulting in pure white or grey clothes, much to the healers dismay. 

Fortunately, mages are known to be fashionable. Another set of spell ruined cloth is simply a chance to experiment with a new look. So long as a mage surpasses their magic, they're free to wear what they choose - most saving their best clothes for casual outings. 

Magical fashion disasters are one of the primary reasons mages wear robes. Metal armour and leather is expensive and reacts poorly to radiating magic so cloth is a mages only option due to being cheap and disposable. 

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