HOW TO: Writing blood loss

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Blood loss in fanfics is often unrealistic, but stabbing people for the sake of scientific accuracy is kind of illegal. So here's a rundown:

The statistical average person has 5 litres of blood in their body (but can have as much as 8). Think five litres of soda, the following effects will differ from person to person. Smaller people have less blood so are more affected and the opposite is true for bigger people. Also, healthy be people will be less affected but people with higher heart rates die faster - don't run before being stabbed.

Losing half a litre of blood - about 10% of total blood volume, not actually that dangerous, a pulse is present and heart-rate is normal, so is blood pressure, breathing is fine. THEY SHALL LIVE.

Losing one litre of blood - 20% of total blood volume, still perfectly alert, full pulse present, heart rate elevated (about 100 or more bpm), blood pressure and respiratory rate are normal lying down but may be elevated if active. ITS GONNA SUCK BUT THEY WON'T DIE.

Losing a litre and a half of blood - about 30% of total blood volume, anxiousness and confusion due to blood loss (if they weren't anxious already, this is a fuck tonne of blood), pulse is weakening, blood pressure definitely decreased by now, respiratory rate 30 breaths per minute and increasing. EHHHH... THEY'LL PROBABLY BE OKAY (probably).

Losing two litres of blood - 40% of total blood volume, very confused and lethargic, pulse is super weak, heart rate above 120 bpm, breathing fast and shallow. THERE'S A GOOD CHANCE THEY WILL DIE AT THIS POINT.

Losing two and a half litres of blood - 50% of total blood volume - they are unconscious by now, pulse is absent, heart rate is 140 bpm or higher, that's the equivalent of being in the middle of a workout, blood pressure is super duper low, breathing very fast and shallow. UNLESS GOD OR CASTIEL OR SOME SHIT INTERVENES, THEY'RE GONNA DIE.


Unless they're magic or some shit like that.

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