HOW TO: Tropes I love and hate

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 - One of my favourite literary tropes is "you want me to be a villain? I'll show you a villain" that shit gives me goosebumps and given the right context also turns me on.

 - I love gentle characters who can turn into brutal killing machines in less than two seconds. 

 - Characters who look dangerous but actually complete softies

 - Characters who look dangerous, and actually is, but for a completely different reason than they look like they should be. For example 'seven foot tall mountain of gleaming muscle with a sword the size of a surfboard strapped to his back is actually the Nine Realms' most feared lawyer.'

 - Character realising for the first time that their injury is going to scar horrifically

 - Character A *reveals something shocking*. Character B,  "Okay-", character A "why aren't you freaking out." Character B, "it's been a weird fucking day man."

 - Characters having complete breakdowns after realising they're becoming one of/have always been one of the monsters their side is fighting. 

 - Character going absolutely berserk and tearing the enemy apart after someone they care about is killed/injured.

 - Heroes realising they can't fight on their own but can win with The Power of Friendship. 

 - Character A  "yeah, I can't make you do *thing*, but they can." Character B *smirks*.

 - Character being completely ridiculously proud of their best friend and showing them off and cheering them on way more than necessary.

 - Character suddenly realising that they've been in love with their best friend in an "oh shit" moment. 

 - "Remove your weapons" *removes weapons* "ALL your weapons" *removes even more weapons* "REMOVE ALL YOUR WEAPONS" *removes one more giant weapon that realistically couldn't be hidden anywhere on the human body*

 - Talking animals getting offended when humans assume they're just dumb regular animals

 - A group of characters that have no idea how to deal with a child getting saddled with having to take care of a kid. 

 - Characters talking to their dead SO's grave.

 - Sweet innocent characters that cuss like sailors

 - The characters who've always been composed and their emotions in check finally breaks, in rage or in grief, or the stoic character who doesn't emote offers the softest smile or the most genuine laugh. 



 - My least favourite heater trop is when the girl eats a burger or whatever and the dude is like "wow, I like a girl who can eat" like what the fuck did your girlfriend do, photosynthesise?


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