HOW TO: Childhood best friends/friends to lovers trope

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Here are the best things about them:

 - casual displays of affection

 - sharing a bed because "we've been doing it since we've been kids"

 - platonic cuddling 12/10 times that a bed is shared... totally platonic

 - that thing where they lay down and one person is lying perpendicular to the other with their head on the other's stomach

 - late night deep talks (rooftop setting optional)

 - "I know you better than I know myself"

 - saying I love you to each other thinking the other person means 'only as a friend/sibling' when no they mean romantically

 - calling the other person 'home'

 - laying their head on the other person's shoulder

 - forehead, cheek, temple, top of head kisses

 - super tight hugs where one or both feel safe

 - pet names/nicknames/ referring to the other person as "my (persons name)"

 - missing the other person whenever they're not around more than best friends probs should

 - trusting each other so easily so effortlessly because it's second nature

 - literally?? just the fact that they're best friends??

 - "I've always loved you"/"I have loved you all my life"

 - Basically pretending everything is casual and totally platonic when really they love each other so much

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