HOW TO: Small, intimate moments

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 - when they pass a mirror and make a face and mess with their hair a little.

 - when you hear someone singing in their car with the windows rolled up as they drive past you.

 - grown humans setting about little creative tasks out of boredom and then looking quietly pleased with themselves, like maybe a middle aged woman on her train home from work manages to make a tower out of empty coffee creamers and gazes at it proudly for a few seconds.

 - people making overblown OOPS I FORGOT SOMETHING performance for no-one that most of us do when we have to turn around in the middle of the pavement.

 - stony faced people in queues unable to contain a smile when a baby is looking over its mother's shoulder in front of them locks eyes and does that astonished stare.

 - when someone is standing in line and they don't quite dance to the music playing, but you can see their head bop and them mouthing the words. 

 - when someone thinks no-one is paying attention and they sing-talk themselves through a task.

 - when they laugh or try to hide a laugh when looking at their phone. 

 - when someone does the thing where they enter another space e.g. supermarket aisle, striding with total purpose, then suddenly they forget what they're doing/looking for, and they stop there looking blank for a millisecond while they reboot. 

 - when people are looking for scissors, in their home in a store and they make a scissors gesture with their non-dominant hand as an aid to remind them what they're doing.

 - when automatic social interactions glitch, like when you tell a waiter that you hope he enjoys his food too, or tell the stranger on the phone that you love them. 

 - the hand gesture people make when they're thinking at their computer, not typing, and their elbow rests on the table, and they feel the edge of their fingernail with their thumb.

 - when you're sharing an experience with a complete stranger e.g. seagull throwing up in public and you make eye contact, and some comment to each other and then you guys are like ALLIES now. Like you would willingly ride into war with them. You can't make eye contact again, but you are aware of them. 

 - just evidence of other people's rich, baffling and complex inner lives.

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