"If you hurt her, I will punish you for doing so, my son," Horobi states and I look back at him as he steps forward, sword in his hand. "Let her go."

Jin releases me and he pushes me towards Horobi and Horobi moves his sword to the side, allowing me to bump right into him. What was that supposed to prove? I don't know what Jin is trying to show me exactly, but it doesn't matter. There is nothing inside Horobi for me.

"Mari, are you alright?" Horobi asks me, putting his free arm around me gently. "He didn't hurt you did he?"

"No, he didn't." I lift my head up a bit and stare at him, looking him in his cold eyes. Just what is going on inside his mind? "And you?"

"I am fine. It is good to know that you are alright."

"I think you should see that you do love her, Horobi," Jin says and I turn my head a bit, staring at him as he ends his transformation. "Did it freak you out to potentially lose her, Horobi?" 

"I have no use for love." Horobi pulls me closer to his body. "Mari, I'll take you home immediately. It isn't safe for you to be out here all alone. Where are you staying at?" He's not wrong on the being out here all alone part. 

"Ah, right..." I should tell him to let me go home on my own, but I don't think he'll let that happen. "Just follow my lead to where I'm staying." 

I won't allow him to know it is Aruto that I live with. 


I stop in front of the place I am staying at, which is Aruto's home, and turn to the two Humagears. "This is it."

Horobi's eyes look over the building. "Is it suitable for your needs? Do you have everything you could want in there?" 

"Ah..." It is better than where he is staying, but I don't want to seem rude and tell him that. "It isn't like how it was when I lived with you two. I enjoyed hanging out with you two a lot, so please don't think I hate you all when I tell you this, okay? It is suitable for a human and has everything I need to live decently as one." 

"But it doesn't have us," Jin points out. "Shouldn't you want to stay with us again for that reason? Who cares what this can offer you right now." 

I look away from Horobi. "It isn't like I don't want to go back. I just..." 

"You belong with the humans. Doesn't she belong with them, Jin?" Horobi asks and I look back at him, my mouth dropping a bit. Did he just figure out that I wanted to be here amongst them? 

"Horobi, I want her back with us. She's a member of our group," Jin tells him, not really answering the question. 

"I am aware that she is, but she shouldn't be forced to come home and live with us. Mari should be able to live among the humans and blend right in. She deserves to be happy with them if that is what she wants." 

I close my mouth and smile softly, holding back the urge to giggle. I miss this dynamic we had. I am glad we're having it once again. Horobi is the serious one and Jin is the kid that needs to be talked to in a serious manner. Then there is me, the person who is the glue for them at times. 

"Mari, are you sure you want to be with them? I am going to free the HumaGears, which will help you. I will be able to free you once I am done with my plan," Jin asks me, curious about what I want for myself. 

I nod my head. "I have something I need to do with them, but that doesn't mean I can't help you all out. I will do what I can as long as it doesn't involve killing innocent people. I won't help you if I have to take someone's life."

"That is understandable," Jin replies. "I get why you don't want to kill a human. I respect that about you. You're not the kind who bends on doing that unless it is within your job to handle that."

"If they're like Gai, I will do what I can to stop them. Unfortunately...I'm not enough to take him on at the moment," I say, looking down. "I'm not as strong as you or Horobi."

"You're pretty strong, Mari," Horobi states and I look up, my mouth going back open. Is he defending me from myself right now? "You just have to believe in yourself and work harder to become better than you are now. Do what the AIs do and evolve."

"Evolve?" Just like he has? That's what he thinks I'll be able to do? 

He nods his head. "Yes." 

"Horobi..." He is really something, huh? Of course, he's nothing like Aruto.

"We should let her get inside and not keep her out here. Don't you agree on that?" Jin wants to get going already? 

"Alright." Horobi's eyes go to Jin. "Let's get going then."

"Yes, we should get going now. We do not need to keep her from getting her rest." Jin seems disappointed, but I can't blame him. Also, they need to go and recharge. 

Horobi's eyes go back to me. "I hope you get inside well. Sleep well and take care of yourself, Mari," he tells me, bossing me around. 

"Alright. Goodnight you two," I reply, smiling. "See you soon!" 

I hope I can see them again soon. 

A/n: Do you think it is true that Horobi loves Mari? Well, we'll learn more about that later on. I am curious about something. Why do you like the pairing you do? Like, for example, Mari and Gai? Do you like them because they're opposites or the dynamic they have (no, they're not getting back together ever!)? I just want gather some reasonings for the ships you have. 

Thank you for reading <3 means a lot to me. I hope I can get a variety of answers from you all. I like interacting with you all and getting to know what you think of certain things about the story. It means a lot to me to see your opinions and to get to know which pairings are preferred. It is always fun to see the variety :D 

Ps: Here's the chapter that was going to be next week's chapter. I decided to post an extra Senseless Abyss one because the Kamen Rider Trouble one is indeed going to be pretty late. I'm making sure it will be pretty well done before posting it (I might try to extend the chapter a bit to make it longer than I was going to originally make it). We have a lot of complex stuff coming up in Senseless Abyss and you may or may not like it. 

Thanks for reading and enjoy the extra chapter! :D And yes, I'll probably be doing the upcoming Kamen Rider series, Saber, for a fanfic. I like how it looks, but I am waiting to see how good it is first before officially deciding. The writer is one I like so it is a probably right now. We'll see. 

Thanks again! Sorry for the long note x.x 

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