[60] Liquid Love

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bambina = child
cara = dear
Come stai? = How are you?
mamma = mother
pappa = father
si = yes
ti amo = I love you

The next morning they are both looking tired as they nurse their coffee. Scorpia chuckles and Logan slowly raises his eyebrow, shooting her a sleepy look. "It might not have been such a good idea to christen the couch. And the coffee table. And the desk. And..."

"Stop Bonnie!" She chuckles again and takes a sip of her coffee. He closes his eyes for a second but immediately opens them again. "Fuck! It's still the only thing I see, whether my eyes are opened or closed.

Scorpia asks: "Shall I go to the market alone then?"

"Hello no! Way too many men there."

She laughs and gets up. "We need to go by mister Gentile's on the way over there. My basket is still there. I want to see if he has time for coffee and a pastry. And I want to invite him over for lunch."

Logan asks: "Pastry?"

She tells him about the Saturdays she used to go to the market to got ingredients for her soup and mandarins for school. And that she always bought two mocha pastries to enjoy with mister Gentile.

Logan says: "Does that mean you'll be cooking soup over there?"

"No handsome Scot. I'm going to cook the soup here and I'll invite mister Gentile over to the cafe."

"I get to eat the soup too?"

He looks so happy that it warms her heart.

"Yes, Logan. You have to eat my soup."

They walk hand in hand past all the stalls and her basket fills up with fresh vegetables and fruit fast. She doesn't have to carry the basket herself this time and the vendors all curiously look at the tall Scot holding her hand. She ends her shopping trip at the stall of her favorite baker. He hands her two mocha pastries and looks at Logan before asking: "Or should have given you three pastries?"

Scorpia shakes her head and says: "No, two is enough. I share a lot with Logan, but the coffee and pastry moment is reserved for mister Gentile. I would like to get some baguettes from you though. How many do we need Logan?"

"You want two, Bonnie?"

She nods and Logan says: "Okay, we'll take eight white and eight whole grain ones."

The baker smiles wide and wraps the baguettes up together, to make them easier to carry. "Say hello to mister Gentile for me. And you look good, girl! Have a great weekend!"

She smiles at the baker and walks towards the pizzeria with Logan. He kisses her soft and slow in front of the entrance, before making his way back to the cafe with all the food they've bought.

Scorpia pushes the door open and makes her way over to the kitchen. She puts the pastries down on the counter and is immediately hugged tightly.

"Bambina! How I missed you!" She presses a kiss on his cheek and tries to keep her tears from falling. But mister Gentile already sees the first ones and wipes them away with the pads of his thumbs.

"Cara, come stai? When Marco told me you picked up your basket this morning, I was hoping for a pastry." He looks at the bakery box on the counter and says: "I'll make the coffee if you put the pastries on a plate."

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