"Pleaseeee.....Zozo." I said as I pouted my lips and gave him my puppy dog eyes. His eyes immediately widened a bit & he suddenly stood up from the couch away from me as if he just got burned.

"Oh no no no....Don't you dare use this 'innocent puppy dog eyes' look on me!" He said as he shook his head.

'Oh! So this innocent puppy dog eyes is his weakness. Hmmm' I smiled evilly.

"Zozo, don't you trust me? I-I thought you think of me as your s-sister." I said in a low voice as I looked down. From my peripheral vision I saw him coming towards me and then he sighed.

"Ofcourse I trust you tesoro. And don't you ever doubt about you being my sister!" He said as he placed his fingers on my chin and tipped my head up. I felt a little bad when I saw a vulnerable look on his face. 'Great! You do know how to play with someone's emotions.' my subconscious mind scolded.

"You've no idea how lucky I think of myself that I got to have you as my sister. So please never ever doubt that!" He said as he placed a soft kiss on my forehead and that's when it started, the waterfall. I started crying as I hugged him tightly. He chuckled while hugging me back. 'Where was he my whole life? Why didn't I get him before?!'

"Awww....guardali, così carino! Oh mio Dio, voi due mi avete fatto piangere." Martha awed as she and Gabrielle both sniffed & smiled at us with tears in their eyes.
(Awww look at them, so cute! Oh my god, you two made me cry.)

Zozo and I pulled away as we both chuckled at the two old ladies who were now sniffing and blabbering something in Italian.

"What's with all this crying? Who died?" A very familiar voice sounded from a distance and soon I saw him standing right by my side.

"Oh dio figlio! No one died. We just got a bit emotional that's it." Gabrielle said still sniffing a bit.
(Oh god son)

Massimo's P.O.V

I just gave them a confusing look and then I heard a sniff sounded right beside me. Only then I noticed that I was standing by her side. From my peripheral vision I saw her hands moving down her face as if wiping her face. I felt the same tug inside my heart at the thought of her crying and being sad.

Before I could say anything Martha said, "These two torte Di Cutie here are just so cute that we couldn't help but to get a little emotional because of it!" And then looked at both her and Enzo with adoring eyes.
(Cutie pies)

'What the hell is going on here? And what does she mean by these two torte Di cutie?!'

I clenched my jaw and fisted my palms as I felt a sudden rage of jealously and possessiveness overcame me. 'What's wrong with me? I've never felt something like this before!' I mentally scolded myself. Keep your shit together Massimo! But then again I couldn't control the urge to pull them far away from each other! And that's what I did as I made my way towards where Enzo was sitting and literally pulled him by his arm and dragged him with me far away from her.

"Are you just going to gossip here all day long or are you going to do some business?" I said through gritted teeths.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now