"You guys Oh my god you're so funny!" She said in between her beautiful laughter. It sounded like as if some angel was laughing. Her laughter caused a sudden feeling rushed inside my heart. 'Here this weird feeling again. This girl is going to be the death of me!' I said in my mind.

"Oh hush we aren't even that funny." Gabrielle said waving her hand dismissively. "We just try honey. After all what else do we have to do. It's not like we're going to get any other fun in this old age!" Martha said as she winked at her to which she chuckled.
'Her chuckle sounds so soothing as well...hmmm..'

"Massimo! Come here figlio. We were just telling her about your childhood." Martha said as soon as she saw me. I groaned. 'Not again! These ladies have this obsession with telling people about my childhood.'

"Ya right! More like telling her about all those things that you did when you were a kid or should I say a very naughty kid." Gabrielle teased while moving her eyebrows up & down playfully. 'Sometimes I wonder are they really 60 years old or 16?' I thought in my head.
'But you love them!' My subconscious mind stated, 'Well that I do!'

I noticed her getting a bit rigid when she heard my name. Her back was facing me so I couldn't exactly see her expression.

"You ladies always do that whenever you get to interact with someone new. Consider yourself lucky that I love you guys otherwise you know no one would even dare to think about me like that let alone talk." I said but soon regretted when I saw the look they both sent my way.

"Massimo Alejandro Romano! Non osare parlarci di nuovo così! We aren't your men that you can order around." Martha said while narrowing her eyes at me.
(Don't you dare talk to us like this again!)

"Don't forget who you're talking to ragazzo!" Gabrielle said, giving me the same glaring stare. I sighed.

"I didn't mean it like that and you know that I couldn't talk to you like that and I would never ever." I pleaded to which their eyes softened. If anyone would see me like this, the fearless cold-hearted mafia boss pleading in front of two old ladies, they would've laughed. But I didn't care, they were the only one who cared for me and showed me love.

Maya's P.O.V

To say I was shocked / surprised would be an understatement. Never had I ever thought that a big grown ass man who had this powerful dark demeanour would ever plead to anyone let alone to two fragile old women. But I could see how important these two were to him. I could see the sincerity in his eyes and the way he spoke. It was as if it was a different Massimo and not the hard, cold-hearted Massimo that we knew.

I didn't interfere their interaction as he now sat down on the couch in between Martha and Gabrielle. We were in the living room a giant living room. I was sitting on the couch opposite to them thank god because I didn't want to be in close proximity with him not after what had happened two days ago in the Dinning room.

Even though he was talking to them and his focus was on them but I couldn't ignore the few glances he sent my way. And the fact that he wasn't trying to hide it as if he wanted me to know that he had his eyes on me was making me even more glittery.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now