-Chapter 131

Beginne am Anfang

"Why don't you go and worship it too since you seem all about it? Did Horobi teach you that? I'm sure he's part of a religious cult for the Ark." 

I laugh hard. "Horobi taught me a lot, but I never learned to worship a stupid thing underwater! I don't even have the same goal as the Ark. I came here to save Japan from the crisis going on." I had no idea about the Ark until I got here. 

"And you failed. Besides, you being sent here was my idea in the first place. I deserve to have you because I worked hard to get you. You weren't an easy woman to have get with me."

"If you were a decent person, I would be with you willing. I would have fallen in love with you and not minded the marriage with you, but you were shady. You dangled me in front of Aruto's eyes knowing he couldn't have me."

"Aruto is an idiot for not trying to get you sooner. He almost lost to a robot," Gai points out, opening up the back door for me. "Get in. Now."

"Whatever." I look at the car door and duck my head as I get into the spacious fancy car.

He shuts the door and he gets in, sitting down and shutting his door quickly. He starts up the car and pulls out of the place he parked, which is the side of the road. I should get Aruto a fancy ride eventually. I don't think he should take his bike all the time.

"We're going to have a talk somewhere private, Mari."

"Fine." We can do that all he wants. "Don't expect me to care about what you have to say." 

"That's fine. Just listen." 

I nod. "Okay."

He won't have me for too long like he wants to anyway.


Gai stares at me, looking a bit annoyed. "Are you sure you're going to stay at his side? Should I test who you will run to then? Would you like that?"

"Run to?" Why does he need to even bother with that? "I am with Aruto, not Horobi. There is no need for me to run to Horobi's side and I probably don't even need to run to Aruto's. Aruto can hold his own against your pathetic ass. There is no need for me to protect him from you."

"You think that he's better than me?" He looks ticked off by that comment. His face looks like a spoiled rich kid who lost their toy.

"Aruto is more of a man than you are just like Horobi is. Aruto is human unlike Horobi, but that is fine. I like him the way he is." There is no problem with how Aruto is. "He's sweet and he's the most caring person I have ever met. He cares about everyone he meets and respects them unless they are like you. You aren't someone who can be redeemed." The only way he can redeem himself to me is if he sacrifices himself to the Ark to save the world. That is not going to happen, so he can't be redeemed. 

"You won't remain in his arms. You're too in love with Horobi to actually care about Aruto. That is your weakness. Horobi is the only thing you truly love." 

I raise an eyebrow. "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. You don't truly love Aruto and you never will. You're a loyal Horobi stan. That is what you are," he states, acting like he knows me very well. He knows me, but he doesn't know my entire mind.

"You're wrong." I don't love Horobi more than Aruto! "You're very wrong about that." 

"Prove it. Show me how much you love him then. You can't can you? You can't show me who you love more because you don't even know who you love more."

"Hey, give us back Mari!" A familiar voice exclaims. Jin? Wait...us?

I turn my head and look over as Jin approaches me with Aruto at his side. So, he actually made it? Wonderful.

"How did you find us?" Gai asks, sounding absolutely pissed off. What a brat! He's in his forties and he is still acting like this? It is like he never even got out of high school!

"Mari allowed us to track her bracelet," Jin says and I look at Gai as he stares at me, pretty much glaring. I hold up my arm, showing him the bracelet Horobi gave me ages ago. "It never got destroyed. We were able to track it like Horobi always does." Always does? Horobi still tracks me?

"You allowed them to find us? You're my wife, not his!" Gai shouts at me and I flinch a bit. Right, still a bit afraid of him due to all he is capable of. "You don't need someone like him in your life along with that piece of trash!"

"Jin's not a piece of trash and stop doubting Aruto! The way you do things is the reason why I do not wish to be your wife. It would be different if I didn't know you made the Ark and you actually were a good person, Gai," I say, removing my eyes from him and staring at Aruto and Jin as they cancel their transformation. "There is no reason for me to love you and you need to accept that I do not wish to be your wife any longer. There is nothing between us and never will be."

"You came to my-"

"I slept with you, yes," I respond, keeping my eyes on Aruto and Jin. "But I only did so for my own sake. You didn't force me to do so, but that doesn't mean I really wanted to be at your side. However, without evidence against me, we do not need to be married any longer. There is no reason for me to be your wife any longer, President Amatsu." I have officially out played Gai.

"Without evidence? What do you mean?"

"I have what you kept against her here," Jin tells Gai, holding up a flash drive. "There is no reason for you to keep Mari at your side now, right? You can let her go and let her go back to Horobi now." Uh...I don't think that is where I am going to go. Also, pretty sure Jin destroyed anything on his computers. 

"He wants her because he hates Allen and he hates Elise. Mari used to look like Elise, so he took out his revenge on her. You don't even see Mari as who she is, Gai," Aruto states and I look back at Gai as he glares at Aruto. Aruto isn't wrong.

"You know nothing about me and my wife. How dare you speak about our relationship like you know anything about it!"

I laugh, shaking my head. "Nothing about us? I've told him everything he needed to know about us. Gai, you have your hand now and I'm pretty damn sure you know how to use it. I will keep the other words inside me because they're too vulgar to say in front of Jin and I do not wish to be at your level. This is goodbye, President Amatsu of Hiden Intelligence and ZAIA Enterprise." I step towards Aruto and Jin, swallowing a bit. I need to remain calm for a bit longer.

Aruto rushes forward and puts his arms around me, pulling me into his chest. He's staring at Gai and letting him know that I'm never going to be his again. Aruto is going to keep me from having that man touch me ever again. I've done it. I out did Gai Amatsu.

I close my eyes and put my arms around Aruto. "Aruto..."

"Everything is going to be alright," he whispers, rubbing my back gently. "Everything will be alright for you from now on."

I hope so. "Okay."

"Let's get home." 

I can't wait to get back to our home.

A/n: This chapter was written before my little break and before my busy weekend, so here it is. I'll be out tomorrow, so I won't be posting anything in the early day. I'll try to post a Wishful Dream update later, but it'll probably be on Monday.

Sorry for taking a bit of time off to be around my twin and all. Everything is pretty settled now, so back to posting I go. I am sorry for the extreme delays (I love writing, so it has been rough being away from it).

I hope I can update on my schedule again after all this (I seriously miss it) and I hope you look forward to the conclusion of this story in a good 70 chapters or so. Zero-One isn't over yet (still airing) but it will be soon :/ I'm going to miss it as I love most of the characters (minus a few characters that showed up for certain episodes. Still hate one of the contest representatives despite him getting on good terms with the HumaGears). 

Thank you for reading and waiting! It means a lot to me to have people reading my stories that I work hard on. <3 

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