But I didn't want to make a scene so I just simply nodded with a low ok.

By the time lunch got ready it was almost 4 pm. I helped Martha and Gabrielle into setting everything in the dinning room. I couldn't help my surprise when I saw the dishes they both had made just in an hour. They had made lasagna, mixed vegetables casserole, mashed potatoes, lemon chicken and an Italian dessert. I placed the last serving dish on the dinning table. As I turned around to go back to the kitchen to see if they needed anymore help I collided with something hard and because of the force I stumbled back a bit and was about to fall when someone's arms wrapped around my waist keeping me in my place.

I sighed in relief but it lasted only for a second when a familiar cologne invaded my nose. My body got rigid as I slowly moved my gaze from my saviour's chest 'well-build chest I must add' towards his face where it landed on his eyes gorgeous brown eyes. His arms were still wrapped around my waist and because of the force he had pulled me towards him I was now practically glued to him chest to chest. His eyes were set straight on my eyes and mine were doing the same. I wanted to move my gaze away from him but for some weirdly odd reason I didn't want to.

"See where you're going amore. Not everytime I'll be there to save you from falling." He said in his husky deep voice. Eyes still piercing through mine.

"Thanks for showing concern Mr. Whatever your last name is but I don't need you to save me. I'm well capable of doing that and besides I'm your hostage here not your friend or something. So please don't act as if you care!" I said while narrowing my eyes at him and tried to look intimidating. 'Keyword : tried, because I know I failed miserably.' I expected a rude remark or a comeback in return but what he did next wasn't something I expected.

He chuckled as he unwrapped his arms around my waist and took a step back. He wasn't looking angry but instead he was eying me with a smirk on his face. 'What's he upto?'

"You do know that your attempt of looking intimidating failed miserably." He said with still his arrogant smirk on his face.

I felt blush rose to my cheeks but I would never give him the satisfaction of being right. So I scoffed as I folded my hands in front of my chest. I confidently raised my head high.
"I wasn't trying to look anything that's how I normally talk. Well...not normally but only in the presence of assholes." This time it was my turn to smirk as I saw his smirk fell from his face.

"What did you just call me?" He said in his dark voice as he took a step forward. But I refused to cower away from him as I stood there with my head still high.

"I didn't call you anything." I said in a teasingly calm voice. "Oh ya! I did say assholes but I didn't specify." I said innocently. "It's upto you if you want to think that it was for you, now if you do believe that you're one."

I did a victory dance in my mind when I saw the look on his face. 'Ha! That's what you get when you mess with me!' But it vanished as soon as he took long steps towards my direction. With a huff I found myself trapped between the dinning room's wall and Massimo. It was the third time he had trapped me in between his body and a wall. 'You two seem to like getting in this position a lot ? You both should probably do your first time against a wall!' My perverted subconscious mind taunted.

But before I could scold my perverted subconscious mind I felt my hands being pressed on the wall above my head. It was him. He pushed me further into the wall with his body pressed into mine. My breath hitched when I felt every contour of his body being pressed against mine. Because of my hands being raised above my head my breast had risen a bit causing them to almost spilled out of the top I was wearing.

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя