8. *Brotherly Love*

Começar do início

Maya's P.O.V

I was back in my room. After what happened just a while ago my mind was jumbled up with so much thoughts. 'Who were those people?' 'Why did they've guns with them?' etc.. My thoughts got interrupted by a knock on the door. Moments later a head came into my view.

"Posso entrare? tesoro" Enzo said in his amusing Italian voice.

"Poso what? You do know that I don't understand Italian." I said as I folded my hands in front.

"My bad tesoro. I was asking can I come in?" He said as he opened the door and walked inside.

"Well you're already inside so..." I trailed off to which he just chuckled.

"And before I could forget this time as well, what's tesoro? You keep calling me that. What is it?" I asked and playfully glared at him.

"Don't worry tesoro it's not something bad. It's just my nickname for you. It means treasure." He said as he now sat down on the edge of the bed in front of me.

"Treasure? Why?" I asked.

"I don't know. When I first saw you that's what came to my mind, not a particular reason." He shrugged to which I shrugged as well.

We then sat there quietly not saying anything. "So?" I said after a while.

"So, what?" He said

"You do know that I'm not letting you go without telling me about what happened just a while ago." As I said realization flashed through his features and he became serious all of a sudden. 'Oh, somethings serious.'

"Ofcourse not. That's why I'm here." He said. He then cleared his voice and looked straight into my eyes. "The people who caused the commotion just a while ago, they were Massimo's business rivals. You see he is a very strong & powerful business man. And when you're strong it's normal to have rivals as nobody wants you to get more successful than them." He said in a serious tone.

"Well I kind of figured it out a bit but I had no idea that someone could actually do that just to take their rival down." I said to which he gave a humourless chuckle. I couldn't help as a shiver that ran down my spine. Even though Enzo was always in a playful mood and was nice to me but his strong personality & dangerous aura could easily scare the shit out of people.

"You're too naive and innocent tesoro. You have no idea what people are capable of doing just to get more power, money and fame." He said with no emotion in his voice. I started to get a little terrified of him now.

"Umm y-yeah well what exactly does he do?" I asked hesitantly.

"He has different kinds of business. He owns large chains of hotels, casinos, bars, etc. Not just in Italy but he is considered as the most powerful and successful man all around the world as well." He said proudly.

"Oh" That was all I could say. He chuckled and gave me his playful smile. 'Oh thank god playful Enzo's back! I like this Enzo more.'

"So....are you satisfied or do you want to ask anything else?" He asked.

I thought for a while and then said, "What do you do? I mean are you his business partner or do you do something else?"

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora