Chapter twenty two: Reunited.

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(Y/n) knew her father had been defeated. She had felt his terror and rage as she felt him get further away from her. The little girl knew it was over. She walked the halls of the hotel and looked in the room that she and her father had used as a bedroom. It still smelled like him slightly. The girl heard the team moving Caesar's body to transport it back to Italy so he could be given back to his family. The child heard the rest of the Speedwagon foundation special forces and Speedwagon himself come to the old hotel. Smokey must have been staying on the transport with Lisa Lisa.
The blond elderly man walked the halls, perhaps looking for the child or observing the hotel where the ancient beings had habitated. He had no idea that the daughter of the leader of the pillar man was at the top of the stairs and watching him. "Where is Jojo?," the girl asked and made the old man jump. He held his hand over his chest and looked up to the child. He knew she had lost everything, the only one left standing of her race. Speedwagon took off his hat, "Stronheim reported that Joseph did not make it. The volcano that he and your father were fighting on erupted and shot both into the upper atmostphere."

Her red eyes closed and she bowed her head, "I'll allow myself to be taken back to the foundation headquarters without a fight." She descended the stairs and followed Speedwagon, she still trusted him. She knew he truly did not want to hurt her. Speedwagon felt a small hand wrap around one of his fingers. He looked down and saw the little girl had reached up to grab his hand. She was not trying to eat him or anything. It was just for comfort during this emotional time for her. All four of the people she had lived with and cared for for so long were gone. Speedwagon did not need to say anything. Neither had to say anything. They both understood. Speedwagon led the girl back to the transport to be checked for injuries just in case. Luckily there were none.
(Y/n)'s eyes looked to Lisa Lisa, she was unconscious still... "I know that Lisa Lisa is Joseph's mother.," (y/n) said, "I smelled it on him. Daddy said that mama and Lisa Lisa looked similar. I don't know if that is true. I don't even know my mother's name or who she was. All I know now about her is that she was a human."
The child took the horns of her two fallen uncles from her bag, they two horns were still warm. Like they were still attached to the men they came from. She hugged the horns before she put them back into her bag.

The plum haired girl's hand brushed against something that had not been in her bag before. That's right. Her father gave her something before the battle. Her small hands grasped the object... no... objects and pulled them out. It was a necklace shaped like a Cresent moon and a bead circlet with moons, a sun and stars on it. It was too big for her head and it looked older than she was. Her father's scent and another's was on it. A woman's scent. The girl looked to the moon pendant and flipped it over, in ancient lettering was a message. 'For my human. -Kars'
Her father must have given it to her mother before she died. These were her mother's. The little girl put the moon pendant on and put the circlet back into her bag. She was quiet as they made their way back home. Lisa Lisa was taken to a hospital in London, she recovered from her injuries quickly. She woke up the next day. (Y/n) felt ashamed of the injury her father inflicted on the woman and the child refused to go see her with Speedwagon. She instead stayed with Erina and Smokey.

Smokey was polite as he spoke to the child, no doubt shaken up by learning who her father was. The girl was polite but hesitant to be as friendly as she was before, perhaps scared of changed opinions of her. Erina did not treat the child any different, even after learning of who her father was and the connection to the mask. Erina, who was a schoolteacher, taught (y/n) on lessons she had missed before. The girl knew that things were strained. Joseph was gone. Erina's son, George, was also gone. Jonathan was gone. All because of the mask that Kars had made and given to his daughter. The plum haired child could not help but feel that this was all her fault.
She could not even look at Lisa Lisa when the woman was allowed out of the hospital, the child just waited for that hamon strike that would kill her. But it never came. Lisa Lisa was on her knees in front of the child that had her eyes closed and waiting to be killed. The hamon user saw the two horns in her hands and knew they had to belong to Esidisi and Wamuu. "I'm not going to hurt you.," Lisa Lisa spoke gently to the child, "I can understand what your father did to protect you, I don't blame you for that. I don't blame you for anything that happened."

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