Chapter Eleven: A man in a pillar

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After learning of the man in the pillar, of his destiny, Joseph decided to leave for Mexico. (Y/n) followed, she could not be talked down. Something was pulling her to Mexico, to the pillar. She needed to know what was going on. She was awakened by blood. This man in the pillar was going to be awakened by blood. She clung to Joseph as they rode through the desert. "Say, (y/n).," Joseph spoke, "You have been very quiet. What is wrong?" "Just thinking.," the girl answered, "I don't remember much I my past in the ancient times. I can see glimpses, shadows, but that is it. I can't remember who the Warriors who protected me from the hamon tribes were." Joseph felt her arms hug his neck, "I can't even remember the faces of my parents."
"It's okay if you don't remember everything. You can regain your memories at your own pace, or not if you don't wish to. There may be some things that you don't want to remember.," Joseph said as he continued driving his motorcycle, "I'm curious about this Pillar man, though. From what Straizo said, he is a lot like you." The girl did not respond, she hugged Joseph to keep on him as he drove through the blistering heat of the desert.

The girl looked around and felt Joseph stop suddenly. "Something is not right.," the British teen said, "I've felt someone's eyes on us since this morning. Have you noticed anything?" "Yes, I've been tracking a life sign who has been following us.," the little girl spoke. The brit placed the child on the motorcycle and investigated a cloth on the ground, only to get stabbed. "You two are rather sharp.," the man who suddenly popped out said, "You were able to sense my presence, even when bats can't do the same." "I felt your life energy.," the girl said, "Humans have energy distinct from other creatures. You stuck out like a sore thumb." Joseph was irritated at the man who had suddenly stabbed him and now rested on a cactus, "And why the hell are you following us?!" "I'm not following you! I'm here to capture you and the girl! We want the girl for her power and you to be interrogated about Straizo!," the man announced, "I'm will catch you, Joseph Joestar!" The little girl only booed him from her place on the Motorcycle, the German did not seem to be happy about the commentary from the peanut gallery. Joseph was irritated about hearing Straizo's name.
"The jerk is German. Get him Jojo!," the little girl yelled, "Or I'll have to! I'm hungry still..." "What do you have to do with Straizo and Speedwagon?!," Joseph demanded, "Tell me or I'll beat it out of you!"

"You shall face I, Donovan of the SS, with your bare hands?," the German asked, "I'm insulted." "Your face is the insult to mother earth.," (y/n) said and got an annoyed look from the German, "I'm not supposed to eat humans, but I might make an exception about you. You won't shut the hell up." Joseph motioned her to be quiet. "Make me Jojo! I'm just as mad as you about Speedwagon, he was my best friend besides my brothers!," the girl said and stood up, "I'll take care of this myself if I have to!" The air around her was heavy again. Joseph threw the sheet Donovan was using to cover himself right back at the German man. Donovan stabbed Joseph again and knocked the British young man to the ground. (Y/n) was about to assist when Joseph told her to stay back, "It's fine! I wanted to be here! Donovan, how about you look at this situation a little more closely?"
A cactus was bubbling up beside Joseph, Donovan fell for it and got a face full of prickles. The little girl started to laugh and fell off of the bike. The British young man got up and dusted himself off before stepping on Donovan's face, "The cactus was my goal all along. They are made mostly of water, and conduct Hamon fabulously. Now it's time to talk, Donovan. (Y/n), come here." The little girl shook the dust off of her and bounded over, teeth showing as she grinned. She kicked the prickles into the German man's skin to make him talk. She even took a little blood from the man to have something to feed her. Joseph noticed this while he was interrogating the man and scolded the child. She stuck her tongue at him and kicked the German again.

They learned that Speedwagon was still alive, both were relieved at this news. They even learned the location of the base he was being kept at and that the sleeping 'pillar man' was at the same base. The girl jumped onto Joseph's back after he got back on the motorcycle. She saw that Joseph was crying tears of joy. "Granny Erina would love to know this!," the young British brunet man said and drove off into the desert. Soon the two made it to the facility. It was heavily guarded at the entrance gates. Joseph was wondering how he could get in as (y/n) noticed a wall near the gate that was the right size for her to jump over. The little girl pointed at the wall for Joseph to see, "Meet you inside. I'll go on ahead." Her white dress and robe flew behind her as she ran and jumped across the desert, her small legs propelled her over the wall of the facility. She landed lightly and looked around. It did not seem like any guards noticed, if they did they were not doing anything about it. She sniffed the air to find Speedwagon's scent. The girl found it wafting from a door that led underground. She followed the door and the hallways to an underground research chamber. In the chamber was a large pillar. A hole in the side of it held the shape of a man. The Germans inside were panicking. The pillar man that was supposed to be in the chamber was gone.

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