"Stay here and under any circumstances Do Not Come Out Of This Room. Ok." He said, his face getting serious. All look of playfulness was gone. He walked towards the door, opened it and before going out he gave me a look as if saying 'Keep in your mind what I just said'. Then he was out of the room closing the door behind.

I sat there quietly, I didn't know why but I felt as if something was wrong. From the way Enzo said not to come out it was something very serious that was sure. I just hoped it was nothing dangerous.

The commotion was getting slower now and I sighed in relief but I was quick to react as a loud boom sounded all of a sudden and I wasn't that naive enough to not now what it was. Yes, it was a sound of a gun. Someone used a gun, someone was shot, the very thought made my body shudder with fear.

Before I could get out of the initial shock another boom sounded and then another and another. I heard a loud scream but then I realised it was my own as now I was covering my ears with my hands. But it didn't help as I could still hear the commotion. At that time I just prayed for all this to get stopped.

Then I realised it was all happening on the main floor where the kitchen is that meant oh god! I panicked even more. Even though it hadn't been that long but I could say that I had this instant connection with both Martha and Gabrielle. Besides they were innocent and nice and connection or not I didn't want them to get hurt.

I prayed to all the gods above to keep them away from any harm. I tried to be calm and to not think about the bad scenarios like, Enzo being shot or Martha's dead body lying on the kitchen floor. Oh god no please no! I couldn't just be here, I had to do something. I know you must be thinking that I had probably lost my mind. But I just couldn't sit here and relax knowing that two innocent old ladies were under danger.

I knew what I was about to do could cost my life but right now all I had in mind was to go and check up on the old ladies. Blame my emotional side but it was after so many years that I had gotten some motherly love and that was what might be messing with my mind right now.

With that I stood up from the bed and made my way towards the door. I thought Enzo had locked it but to my surprise it wasn't locked. So, I opened the door and carefully peeked my head out incase someone was up here. When there was nothing I hurriedly but quietly made my way towards the main floor. My heart was pounding so fast because of the fear and all the booming noises around the mansion.

I carefully made my way down the stairs but the scene in front of me made me stop dead in my tracks. Group of men were screaming, yelling and shooting at each other. I saw few men lying unconsciously on the floor with blood running out of either their chest or head. Being a nurse it wasn't something abnormal for me to see blood or injured bodies, but the way their bodies were lying with blood running out, it was looking gruesome. I quickly looked away as I felt bile rose up my throat. Thankfully the way towards the kitchen was clear. So, I quietly made my way down the stairs while trying by best not to get noticed.

I literally jumped with happiness when I was all the way down the stairs without getting noticed. Never had I ever thought that coming down the stairs could be that difficult and dangerous. As I walked towards the kitchen I tried not to look back to check if Enzo was in all those men as well. I sighed in relief when I entered the kitchen and found both Martha and Gabrielle on the floor in crouching position.

They both jumped in fear when they sensed my arrival but as soon as their eyes landed on me they sighed in relief.

"Oh mio Dio, che ci fai qui Maya?" Gabrielle said. She must be very frightened as she didn't realise that she just spoke to me in Italian even after knowing that I didn't understand it.
(Oh my god, what're you doing here)

♥️A Mafia Love Story♥️                 (Maya & Massimo) Where stories live. Discover now