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"Come on Bar," Joe said, dragging the CSI to the workout room.

"Where? Why?" Barry asked confused.

"I'm going to teach you how to throw a good punch." Then he said quieter, "without your speed."

Barry groaned, knowing that this was going to be painful.

Joe chuckled.

***** LINE BREAK *****

1 hour later...

Singh walked into the locker room, trying to find Joe. Someone had told him that he had gone to teach Allen how to throw a punch. Good. That kid needed to learn how to defend himself. Everyone in the precinct had tried at some point to teach Barry how to stick up for himself, but everyone has yet to succeed. Everybody looked forward to the day that the precinct's baby brother would successfully throw a punch.

Singh walked into the locker room and heard some voices. 'There they are' he thought. The two men were there, drenched with sweat. Barry pulled his shirt over his head.

Singh came to an abrupt halt. He thought for a moment that that was not Barry Allen. It couldn't possibly be the baby faced CSI that Joe had brought to the precinct since the kid was 12.

No. That man there was muscular. And Singh wasn't as shocked at the fact that Barry had muscles, but more so the fact that he had scars. His chest and back had a few small scars. But two scars in particular caught his attention. One was on his low back, right over his spine, it was jagged and must have hurt. The other one was on his diaphragm. It was smooth and oval shaped. Singh had seen scars like that before, and he knew that it was a stab wound.

He grew concerned. 'Where did all these scars come from?' he thought, 'and when did he get stabbed?'

Joe noticed his presence. "Oh! Hey Captain, didn't see you there."

Barry's eyes widened, and he quickly threw on a new shirt. It was too late. Singh had seen the scars, and Barry knew that. He just hoped he wouldn't get asked about it.

Singh cleared his throat, "Yeah. I need to go over some stuff with you Joe. So when you're able, just come to my office." He turned and left.

Singh stepped out of the locker room and took a deep breath, trying to understand what he just saw. 

Those scars... Singh hated to think that anything bad like that could happen to Barry Allen. Hadn't he been through enough already? 

Singh shook his head and amended to keep an extra eye on the cheerful, accident prone CSI.


A/N- Another chapter. Hope you liked it, I know it's pretty short and not super great, but whatever. They can't all be winners. :D

Luv y'all! :)

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