Captain Dad

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A story inspired by a comment from @MadTown523.  This is going to be very short. But I just really wanted to write it.


Singh had always seen Barry as a sort of son. He certainly cared about him like one. Anytime Barry was in some sort of trouble or hurt, he went into what the precinct decided was his "dad mode". 

But Singh would never admit to it, despite how everyone saw through his facade. 

Well... until today.

***** LINE BREAK *****

Barry sighed as he was held up by yet another person. He just wanted to get these files to the Captain and go have lunch. He was starving.

Barry tapped his foot impatiently. The person finally finished talking and Barry sped through the bullpen.


Barry groaned and turned to face Joe. He just wanted foooooood.

Joe raised an eyebrow at him and started talking. Barry wasn't really listening. At some point, Joe finished talking and Barry left, successfully making it to the Captain's office without being stopped again.

He opened his mouth to talk, but Singh held up a hand. 

"Just a minute." He said.

Barry scrunched up his face and groaned quietly. 

"I'm hungry." he complained to himself.

"Hi hungry, I'm dad."

Barry stopped short. 

Singh looked up. 

They looked at each  other for a minute.

Blinked a few times. 

Then Singh pulled a package of Oreo's out of his desk. He held it out to Barry.

"Want some cookies?"

Barry grinned, "Don't mind if I do."


A/N- like I said, short. Hopefully I'll get another chapter posted soon. 

Love y'all! :)

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