Dirty Cops Part 2

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Singh aced the floor nervously as Joe raced up to him.

"David what happened to my kid?"

"Winfeild and Randall. They beat him up in an alley." Singh said.

"How bad is it?" Joe asked, his voice thick with concern.

"I don't know for sure, but bad." Singh thought of Barry's bloody face and twisted limbs and took a deep calming breath. That did not calm him at all.

His forensic assistant, the baby brother of the precinct, was in the hospital for crying out loud! Of course he wasn't fine!

"Damn it." Joe whispered, collapsing in the hospital chair. Singh agreed wholeheartedly. 

Eventually, a nurse walked out, "Bartholomew Allen?"

Singh rushed over to the nurse, Joe a few steps behind him. 

"Is he alright?" Joe asked.

The nurse smiled kindly, "He'll be alright. Took quite the beating though."

The officers breathed out a sigh of relief. 

Singh swallowed hard, "How bad is it?"

The nurse looked at the two men, studying their concerned faces before hiving in and telling them. "He has multiple fractured, bruised, and broken ribs. His right leg is broken as is his right arm. He has a pretty bad concussion too. But e can't do much for that until he's awake."

"Thank you," Singh said. 

"You can see him now if you like," the nurse said, "Only two at a time."

They nodded and went into the room where Barry was hooked up to a bunch of blinking machines. It unnerved Singh to see the happy, energetic kid so still and pale. 

He was seriously considering punching those two officers in the face. Everyone makes mistakes. His could be losing control of his temper and punching those people a couple of times. 

He heard a small groan from the bed, indicating that Barry was just about ready to rejoin the land of the living.

"Wha' 'appened?" Barry mumbled.

"You got beat up in an alley son," Joe said quietly.

"Again?" Barry asked.

"What do you mean again." Singh asked, his protective side coming into play.

Barry looked confused as to why the Captain was there, but shrugged it off for the time being. Barry looked at Joe curiously as well.

"I guess I didn't convince Ms. Bonnet that I was alright if you drove all the way up here. Must've been worse than normal." Barry said.

"Wore than normal?"

"What are you talking about Barry?" Joe asked.

Barry frowned, "Well, normally I can convince Ms. Bonnet to just patch me up herself, but I guess she called an ambulance this time."

"This time?" Singh asked.

"Well yeah," Barry said, "Richard and Mark are pretty consistent."

Realization crossed Joe's face. And then worry. 

He pulled Singh aside and said quietly, "Richard and Mark were two boys who beat Barry up in collage. I managed to get it out of Barry when he was drunk a little while back. Ms. Bonnet must be the nurse who would patch him up."

Singh thought for a second, "But... Barry thinks they were the ones that beat him up. Not Winfeild and Randall. How many times has he been beat up?"

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