Barry Can Sing?

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Before lighting


Barry sat at his desk, mindlessly humming whilst he worked. He closed his eyes for a moment and listened to the pitter patter of rain on the window. It was soothing. Barry loved the smell of rain, the sound of rain, and the feel of rain. Usually, when it was raining like this, he would go home and turn on Singing in the Rain, and remember the times when he would sit, snuggled up against his mom during rain storms.

Thinking of her brought a sad smile to his face as he resumed his work. 

He started humming again. He listened to the droplets and started to sing softly. 

"I'm singin' in the rainJust singin' in the rain
What a glorious feeling
I'm happy again.
I'm laughing at clouds.
So dark up above,
The sun's in my heart
And I'm ready for love.Let the stormy clouds chase.
Everyone from the place
Come on with the rain
I've a smile on my face
I walk down the lane
With a happy refrain
Just singing,
Singing in the rain
Dancing in the rain
La ri la la ri la,
I'm happy again
I'm singin' and dancing in the rain
I'm dancing and singin' in the rain."

***** LINE BREAK *****

Captain Singh glanced at the rain outside and let out a sigh. This was the kind of day to stay home and watch old movies. But noooo, he had to work. He thumbed through some papers and grabbed a case file that he needed to bring to Barry.

He made his way upstairs, but frowned when he heard... singing?

He slowed his steps and peered inside Barry's lab. What he saw made his jaw drop. Barry Allen, the clumsy CSI who was never on time anywhere, was singing. And singing beautifully

Singh quickly pulled out his phone and started recording, because, what the hell, since when could Barry Allen sing? 

And sing so good?

Barry finished, and Singh stopped recording. He started to head back to his office when he remembered that he was supposed to bring Barry the file he was still holding. 

He briskly turned around and headed back to the lab. 

"Allen." He said, still slightly in shock, "Here's a file."

"Yes sir." Barry said. Barry noticed that the Captain seemed a little off. "You alright Captain?"

"Hm? Yes." Singh said, fully coming into officer mode. "I need this done as soon as possible." And then he turned and left. 

Singh called Joe into his office.

"What can I do for you Captain?" Joe asked.

Singh shoved his phone towards Joe, "Did you know that Allen can sing?"

Joe laughed, "Barry can't sing."

"Well think again," Singh said, pushing play.

Joe's face was priceless. David wished he could've snapped a picture. 

"You sure that's Barry?" Joe asked.

Singh smiled. 

Joe stroked his goatee thoughtfully, "Well... we obviously can't let this go."

Singh shook his head, "Of course not."

Joe's face lit up, "That CCPD talent show fundraiser is coming up isn't it?"

Singh nodded.

"Then let's sign Barry up to sing." Joe suggested.

Singh nodded and his smile widened. "Great idea Joe. Now that stupid talent show will actually amount to something."

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