Enter Zoom

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It was a fairly normal day in the precinct, which was why everyone was shocked that it ended the way it did.

Joe was telling Patty some funny stories about young Barry when Zoom suddenly raced in. 

Everyone ran out to see what was happening. Nothing ever good came from encounters with that thing. Zoom hoisted up the Flash.

"The days of The Flash protecting this city are over." Zoom said. His voice sent shivers down everyone's back.

Joe paled. Barry wasn't moving. He wasn't even struggling a little. The cops raised their guns. "No, hold your fire!" he yelled.

"Put him down!" Patty yelled. She didn't know who the Flash was, but seeing him like this was terrifying for her. 

Zoom spoke again, "Now what will you do without your precious hero?" He lowered the Flash.

Singh took the opportunity, "Shoot that thing, now!"

Everyone fired their guns, but when all was said and done, Zoom was unharmed. He dropped the bullets to the ground. Singh paled. Not good.

"Nice try." He taunted. He raced away.

Joe instantly whipped out his phone and dialed Caitlin. "Caitlin, do you have him? Where is he? Is he okay?"

"We're trying to track him-" she gasped. Joe paled even more if that was possible. 

Joe heard noises in the background and people rushing around. Harry picked up the phone.

"Joe you need to get here." he said.

"On my way," Joe said. He hung up. Joe had tears in his eyes, and his heart was pounding. He grabbed his things and was almost out the door, when Singh called out to him.

"West! Where are you going?"

"Sorry Captain. I have to go. Now." Joe said and then left. 

Singh was shocked. Joe never did that to him. It must've been seriously important. But what could possibly be more important than the fact that Zoom was just here, holding up an non moving Flash. Joe had this terrified look in his eyes during the whole fiasco. Singh gasped. A look Singh only saw in his eyes at the hospital when Allen was in a coma. 

Patty was scared out of her wits. Zoom had just come into the precinct with a very broken looking Flash. It didn't matter that she didn't know who was under the mask, it was still heartbreaking for her. But she felt like she was missing something. The way Joe acted after Zoom left, the feeling she had that the Flash wasn't a stranger. Patty suddenly felt even more terrified tan before.

Everyone was scared after what they had just witnessed. They were all wondering the same thing, 'Was the Flash alive?'


A/N- I know, this one's short. And quite frankly not too great. But whatever. The other ones will be better.

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