Growing Up

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So... These are short snippets of Barry at different ages at the precinct.  particular order, open to make more :) Pre lightning.


11 Years

Captain Singh looked at the eleven year old boy sitting in the interrogation room. 

This was a part of his job that he hated. 

A kid shouldn't have to go through this. He was so young. And he had to witness something so horrible. 

Granted, he really believed his father was innocent. 

Later, the kid was sitting on a bench. Singh walked up to him.

"Hey kid." Singh said, kneeling in front of him.

The kid sniffed and looked at Singh. "Hi," he said. "I'm Barry."

"Hi Barry," Singh said. "You're going to be staying with Detective West. Joe. You know him right?"

Barry nodded. 

Then he looked at Singh, "When will my dad be home."

Singh sighed, "He won't be home, Barry. You're dad's going to jail."

"But he didn't do anything," Barry whispered.

Earlier, the boy had insisted much more forcefully that his dad was innocent. Now, he sounded more defeated. Singh really hoped that he wouldn't go down any dark paths because of this.

Joe walked up behind him, "You ready to go Barry?"

Barry glared at Joe and nodded. 

And Barry left. Singh didn't really expect to see him again.

12 Years

Barry was at the precinct again.

The kid would come off and on throughout the year. He was growing on people. Everyone at the precinct had started to see him as a little brother. 

Even the toughest and coldest officers had a soft spot for him. 

He would often just sit on a bench or next to Joe's desk and work in his own little world, but not before he did a little bit of socializing with the officers. 

He spent the most his socialization time with Bree, the receptionist who always gave him brownies much to the jealousy of everyone; Margot, a fiery red head who scared almost everyone except the Captain and Barry; and Otto, one of the CSI's who also happened to be Margot's cousin.

And when he was with people, he was a chatterbox. He always had something to say.

But more often than not, Barry would stay in his spot, doing something intellectual. 

Singh had seen his reading, studying, building something, and occasionally drawing. Sometimes Iris would be there too, but she normally elected to hang out with her friends at the park. 

Though David wondered how anyone would not want to be friends with the sunny boy.

Because in spite of everything, Barry was happy. He walked around smiling, being kind to everyone, standing up for people. Singh couldn't help but think that if there were more people like Barry, the world would be a much better place. 

13 years

As per usual, Barry walked into the precinct after school. 

But today he was different. 

He had the hood of his hoodie up and only gave a small hello wave to Bree and everyone else. 

Joe was out on a call for the moment, so Barry just sat and buried his nose in his book. 

Bree looked at Singh. 

"What's wrong with Barry?" she asked sadly.

Singh shrugged. 

The next day, the same thing happened. 

Barry came in, barely greeted anyone, and then avoided the world. 

The third day, Barry didn't even come to the precinct. 

"West," Margot said, folding her arms. Next to her was Bree looking very saddened. "What the hell has been up with Barry? And where is he?"

Joe looked up confused, "Barry's not here yet?"

The women glanced at each other. 

Bree shook her head, "No. He was super distant the last two days, and he hasn't even shown up today."

Just then, the elevator dinged and Barry walked in. Same gloomy cloud looming over him as the previous days. 

The three people looked at the boy as he came towards Joe's desk. 

Margot folded her arm, "What is up with you lately?"

Barry frowned. "Nothing," he mumbled.

"Try again." The red haired lady ordered. 

Barry stayed silent.

Before Barry could stop her, Margot pulled Barry's hood back. 

Bree let out a small gasp and ran to grab her brownies and some ice.

Joe and Margot looked at Barry with concern. 

"Who the hell did this to you?" Margot asked, holding Barry's face and inspecting the very large black eye he currently possessed. "And don't give me some crap about being clumsy, because you don't get this from running into a pole."

Bree came back with the ice and gently placed it on Barry's eye. 

"Who did it sweetheart?" she asked.

"Who did what?" Singh asked, coming up behind the group. He saw Barry's face and frowned hard. "What happened?"

"Honestly, you all are over reacting," Barry grumbled, "I can take a punch."

"Someone punched you!" 

Barry looked at the adults, "No."

They all looked at him.

Barry lowered his head, "Yes."

"Lemme at him," Margot said. 

Barry smiled softly, "Not today."

14 years

"Where is he?" Iris asked.

"Shh shh shh," Margot shushed.

All the lights in the precinct were off and everyone was crouched and silent. 

The elevator dinged, and enter Barry. 

He stepped out and stopped short. Confusion and concern were written all over his face when...


Everyone jumped up and the lights switched on. Balloons and streamers were strewn about and there was a mass of cupcakes that spelled out "HAPPY BIRTHDAY BARRY". 

Barry nearly passed out from the shock. But a smile quickly came onto his face as everyone started wishing him happy birthday. 

"You guys did this for me?" Barry asked.

"No, we did it for the other Barry who hangs around us and has a birthday on this same day." Margot deadpanned, "Of course we did it for you dork."

Barry laughed and embraced the officers. His friends. His family. 


A/N- Please don't kill me.

If you kill me I can't write anymore.

Y'all are some of the most patient people (or not people) I know.

Love y'all :)

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