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Barry and Sebastian are twins


It had been a month since Barry woke up from his coma.

He has been happily super speeding around Central City and working as a CSI. 

In the midst of all the craziness that is Barry's life, though, he forgot one. Teeny. Tiny. Thing.

Well... person.

***** LINE BREAK *****

Singh watched as Barry walked into work. He looked... different. He was wearing much nicer clothes than normal, and his hair was gelled. And he was late. Well, that was normal. Singh would've been honestly quite unnerved if Barry showed up like that on time.

"Allen..." Singh said, "What are you wearing?"

Then, Barry smirked. 

Singh didn't think Barry could smirk.

"Looking good today Captain." 

Singh raised an eyebrow at Barry's strange behavior.

"Are you alright Allen?" Singh asked. Something was definitely up with his CSI.

"I'm great." he said. "What about you?"

Singh narrowed his eyes at him. 

Then, the elevator dinged, and Barry walked out.



Singh looked at the two men who looked exactly alike.

"What the hell?" He whispered.

Barry #2 looked over, and his face went through a series of expressions. Confusion. Realization. Excitement.

"Sebastian!" Barry said, racing over and hugging the other man.

Sebastian patted Barry's back, "Hey Bar."

"I hope you aren't messing with my boss," Barry said, glancing at Singh, who was quite frozen with a surprised look on his face.

"Just a little," Sebastian said, holding up his fingers with a little gap between them.

"It's good to see you." Barry said, "What brings you to Central City?"

Sebastian glared at Barry, "Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that my twin was in a coma after being struck by lightning and finally woke up after 9 months! And failed to tell me."

Realization dawned on Barry's face and he scratched the back of his neck sheepishly.


"Sorry ain't gonna cut it," Sebastian interrupted. 

Barry frowned.

"Do you know how terrified I was when Joe called to tell me that you were in a coma!" Sebastian yelled.

"Can we take this upstairs?" Barry asked, sighing.

Sebastian glared at his brother, but nodded nonetheless.

Barry sat down at his desk.

"Barry," Sebastian said quietly, the hurt in his voice evident, "How could you forget about me?"

And oh if Barry wasn't prepared for that question.

Barry spluttered for a second. "I didn't forget about you!"

Sebastian folded his arms.

Barry sighed, "Okay, maybe I did a little. But I was busy trying to get back into the groove of being awake and stuff."

"And you couldn't set aside ten minutes to call me and tell me you're awake? Or even just shoot me a text saying 'Hey Seb! Good news! I'm not dead!' Would that have been so hard?"

Barry looked down sadly, "I really am sorry."

Sebastian's face softened. "I know."

Then, on a rare show of affection, he wrapped Barry in a hug, which Barry happily returned.

"Don't do that again little brother." Sebastian whispered, burying his face into Barry's shoulder.

Barry laughed softly, "Don't plan on it."

Sebastian broke away.

Barry smiled, "By the way, I think we broke my boss."

Sebastian laughed, "his face was priceless."

"It was pretty great, wasn't it." Barry agreed. "But we should probably go explain to him... you."

"Why do you say 'you' like that?"

"Cause it's... you." Barry said.

Sebastian shook his finger at him, "You..."

Barry laughed and ran out of his lab, Sebastian hot on his tail.

A/N- Yay! I got something posted!

That you guys for being patient with me!

Love y'all! :)

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