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"What's this supposed to be?" Barry cried out upon walking into the precinct. 

Joe looked sideways at him, "... the bullpen?"

"It's not even two weeks till Christmas! Where's the decoration?" Barry was flailing his arms around now, gesturing to the walls.

"What are you talking about?" Joe asked, "we have some decorations?"

"Paper snowflakes that a bunch of first graders made and a couple wannabe garlands?" Barry asked incredulously, "You're joking."

Joe just shrugged and walked away, leaving Barry baffled by the lack of festivity in his workplace.

Barry swung by a few stores on his way home, and sat through work the next day, waiting impatiently for everyone to go home.

After what seemed like forever, night fell and most everyone had returned home. Barry had clocked out, but crept back up to his lab. As quietly as he could, he unpacked the boxes he smuggled up and placed everything in a neat order. 

Starting at the top of the building, he worked his way down. 

He strung up full, green garlands wound with red ribbon and holly. He had boxes of tinsel, wrapping paper, parts to a big ol' tree, and several more of miscellaneous decorations. 

A Santa hat rested upon his head and fluffy socks on his feet as he dodged the few odd workers around the building. 

It took most of the night, but he did it.

Surrounded by empty boxes, Barry collapsed at his desk, sound asleep.

***** LINE BREAK *****

"Did Barry work overtime last night?" Joe asked Singh as they stepped into the elevator.

Singh shook his head, "Not that I'm aware of."

"Hm," Joe hummed.

"Why'd you ask?" 

"Oh no reason, I just stopped by his apartment last night and he hadn't been home. He probably just ran some errands or something." 

The elevator dinged and both men stepped out. 

And promptly froze.

The bullpen was decked out with boughs of holly and tinsel and ornaments. There was a grand tree in the corner, covered with ribbon, beads, and ornaments, topped with a four point star. Underneath, there were presents for every single worker. There were paper snowflakes that were made by someone older than a first grader, snowmen, angels, and reindeer. There was cotton on the railings and penguins "sliding" down them. 

And to top it all off, speakers blared Christmas music throughout the room.

The whole place was festive and flamboyant. 

"What in the heck?" Singh muttered, a laugh bubbling out of him.

Joe, however, was laughing heartily, "I think I know where Barry was last night."

Singh looked at him, "Allen did this?"

Joe nodded, "He was perplexed by the lack of decorations the other day, and it appears he did something about it."

Singh crouched by the tree and glanced over the colorful gifts and smiled, "There's one for everyone."

Joe smiled, "That's Barry for you. Always the gift giver."

"Where is our Christmas elf?" Singh asked.

Joe shrugged, "Lab?"

They made there way upstairs, ogling at the decorations. Turning into the lab, they were greeted with the sight of Barry passed out at his desk and empty boxes littered around him. His Santa hat was drooped off his head as he snored, and Singh smiled at his festive socks. 

The men shook their heads and smiled.

***** LINE BREAK ******

Barry woke up slowly, the waning light of day seeping through the windows. 

Barry jolted up in surprise, he hadn't meant to sleep that long. 

Looking around, he noticed his lab was decorated, but he didn't remember decorating it. He did remember decorating the rest of the building though, and a slow smile crept onto his face. 

He peeked his head out of the lab, curious as to where everyone was. 

Then he slowly walked out towards the bullpen, slightly apprehensive. 

He peered over the railing to be met with everyone bustling around happily. An officer Barry didn't know very well spotted him and waved, smiling widely. 

"Merry Christmas Allen!"

Barry smiled and hopped down the stairs. He saw people walking around with their little gifts he picked out for them, enjoying treats and music.

Singh and Joe came up behind Barry, throwing their arms across his shoulders.

"Wonder who did this," Joe said, eliciting a laugh from Barry.

"Thank you Allen," Singh said, "And Merry Christmas."

"Merry Christmas sir."

Joe looked at him, "You did good son. Merry Christmas."


A/N- Ok wow. I updated. Yay. I was going for happy and wholesome festive stuff, lemme know if I achieved it. 

Merry Christmas!

Love y'all! 

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