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A/N- Okay so I kinda stole this from my Stranger Things oneshot book. Oh well. Post lightning but that honestly doesn't matter.


Barry jumped when a loud screech rang out of the alleyway he was passing. And Barry would deny the high pitched shriek that came with it. 

Against his better judgement, Barry walked into the alley.

He pondered for only a moment why he would go towards the creepy sound.

Then again he always goes towards the creepy sound.

Barry sighed, "this is a bad idea."

He slowly walked into the alley, hands outstretched. Barry looked around a dumpster and gasped loudly,

Barry bent down and picked something up. He held it up, studying a small lizard. But it was navy blue. 

"Woah," he breathed, "Cool."

"It's got to be some new species," he mumbled, "Look at the color. And the pattern." he reached to pet it's head, but it snapped at his fingers. Barry pulled his hand back. "And it's got teeth."

Barry stroked his invisible beard, "You need a name. Let's name you..."

An old memory pooped into Barry's mind and he grinned. When he was six, he had created a series of stories about a magical blue dog.

"Your name is Sargent Slate. Sarge for short."

The lizard seemed to like it and nuzzled into Barry's hand.

"Let's take you home."

Barry smiled down at the speckled blue lizard.


Barry woke up the next morning with a large stretch. He smacked his lips together, cringing at his morning breath. He got up and went over to the little box he had put Sarge in.  

"Mornin' Sarge," Barry said, finally peeling his eyes open. 

He wished he had kept his eyes closed.

"Holy cake!" He shouted, backing away from the tank. Then inching closer again to get a better look.

The lizard had grown at least four times its original size so he was about two feet long. It was a little hard to tell when it was all curled up. Its navy blue color was now accompanied with specks of silver. In a way, it reminded Barry of the starry night sky. But the strangest part was the wings. 

Barry blinked, trying to determine if he was dreaming. 

Because he knew what that was. That. That was a dragon. 

There was a friggin dragon in his house. 

"You've got to be kidding me." Barry deadpanned. He quickly emptied out his workbag. He reached in and stroked Sarge's scales, "Hey Sarge, my pretty dragon friend- dear god I hope you're my friend- how does a trip to my work sound?"

Sarge yawned and snuggled Barry's hand. Sarge had accepted him, but he was pretty sure bringing him to work would be a bad idea.

Oh well.

Barry managed to get him partly into the bag, and grabbed a small jacket to put overtop of him. He hoisted him up with a groan, "Holy guacamole! You're heavy!"

Barry finally made it to work. 

Smuggling a dragon into a police station is easier than it sounds. At least a baby dragon.

"Unbelievable," he muttered, closing the lab door.

Barry pet Sarge's head and let him out of the bag.  Sarge bound out of it, wings stretching.

Said wings knocked over a beaker with a crash.

"Shhh." Barry shushed. "We don't want anyone to find you."

Barry played with Sarge for a bit, but then he heard footsteps coming towards the room.

"Quick Sarge!" Barry whispered, holding the bag open, "in here."

Barry barely got the bag shoved under his desk when his boss walked in.

"Allen why is the door shut? You never close it?" He said.

"Oh, I just um you know felt like it today."

Singh raised an eyebrow.

Sarge fidgeted under the desk.

Much to Barry's dismay, the captain noticed.

"What was that?"

Barry tried to look innocent, "What was what?"

"You're a terrible liar Allen. What's under your desk?"

Barry sighed. He nibbled his lip and pulled the bag out.

Singh's eyes bulged. "What the hell is that?!"

"It's my new pet dragon," Barry said, smiling tightly.

"Dragons don't exist!"

"Then why is there one in my bag?" Barry asked.

Singh threw his hands in the air.

"His name is Sarge." Barry offered.

Singh stared at the dragon. He bobbed his head, "He's actually really pretty."

"That's what I thought too." Barry said, smiling.

"Of course dragons are real. Why not? I don't even know why I'm surprised. Welcome to Central City! We have superheroes, maniacal villains, different dimensions and more. So why not dragons too?" Singh said, waving his arms around.

Sarge looked at Singh curiously. He sniffed him, making the the man freeze. 

"He won't bite," Barry said, "probably. And his scales are actually really soft."

The captain slowly started petting the dragon. "Huh, it is soft."

Barry smiled, "Hey... You wouldn't mind..."

"Yes. Yes I would in fact mind if you brought a dragon to work everyday. So don't even give it another thought."


A/N- Wowzers. It's been so long. I'm so sorry.

Like I said earlier, I literally pulled this from my other book and just changed the people and the whole ending. Whatever. It's not as good in this one, but I felt bad for not having posted anything.

Thanks for your patience.

Love y'all! :)

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