Ready Aim Fire

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Pre lighting - Barry is like... 13


I walked into the precinct after school, totally excited to work on my project. It was almost finished too!

"Hey Joe!" I said, walking over to the detective. 

"Hey Bar," he said. He glanced at the contraption in my arms and frowned, "What's that?"

I smiled widely, "My project."

Joe raised an eyebrow, "What is your... project."

I grinned wider, "You'll see when it's finished."

Joe just shook his head. I laughed and ran to my little work corner. 

I was soooooo so so close to being finished. Not even Tony Woodward could bring down my thrill. I opened up my backpack and pulled out some tools and got to work. Thirty minutes later, I was just about ready to go test it out at the park. Just a few finishing touches were needed.

As I was tweaking a few things, I was abruptly pulled out of focus when a gun went off. 

I looked up with fear as officers ran towards the source. Joe did too, but not before shoving me beneath a desk with my things so that whoever it was didn't know I was here. There was shouting, but I could make out what people were saying. I wanted to know what was going on!

I carefully peeked my head above the desk and held back a gasp. 

Four officers where dead on the ground and one non officer. There were two men with guns, and the guy Barry assumed was the leader had his directly on the Captain's head. 

I quickly ducked back under the desk. 

They couldn't soot the Captain! 

I had to help! Somehow...

My gaze landed on my just finished project and my backpack.

It could just work. 

I heard angry shouting.

It had to work. 

As quietly as I could, I unloaded the contents of my bag and carefully placed them into the machine. I cautiously peeked over the edge again. The shouting volume increased and I quickly prepared myself.

It was now or never. 

I took a deep breath.






The shouting had ceased and I poked my head a little farther above the desk. Did it work? Did I do it?

I saw the two gunmen laying on the ground. The leader was unconscious and the other guy was groaning in pain.

But hey. 

A potato shot at you at 70 mph is gonna hurt.

I jumped up and grinned.

"It worked!" I shouted. 

And I actually hit what I was aiming for! That's a first.

Most the officers were staring at me in shock.

Singh leaned over to Joe and asked, "Did we just get our asses saved by a 13 year old with a potato gun?" 

Joe's face lit up with a grin.

"Yes." He said. He laughed. "Yes we did."


A/N- Hehe, not what you were expecting was it.

I did it! I finally got something posted! At long last! I have struck the bountiful well of inspiration!

More to come soon! 

Love y'all! Thank you for being patient with me! :)

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