Target Practice

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Pre lightning


Bang! Bang! Bang! 


Bang! Bang! Bang!

David Singh let out a long, heavy sigh. Joe peered at the target, still perfectly intact. Barry grinned sheepishly.

"Guess shooting isn't my strong suit." He said rubbing his neck.

"Not your strong suit?" Singh asked incredulously, "Allen this isn't even on your list of abilities."

"Ouch," Barry mumbled, feigning hurt. 

Joe patted his shoulder, "You just stick to your science-y stuff and leave the shooting to us."

Barry's shoulders slumped slightly. 

"Don't worry about it kid," Singh said, "You've got plenty of things you're good at. Hitting a target just isn't one of them." 

Joe nodded, "And please, if you ever find yourself practicing, make sure you and anyone else are wearing bullet proof vests and shields and maybe just not in the room with you?"

Barry just looked at them. 


Barry stood up from his crouched position next to the body, "He was shot."

"You don't say," Joe said.

Barry rolled his eyes, "I wasn't finished yet jOe." 

Barry cleared his throat, but before he could continue his insightful observations, gunshots rang through the air, eliciting screams from bystanders and shouts from cops. 

"Allen get down!" Singh shouted as Joe shoved Barry down behind a car. 

The man firing the gun had shot down most of the cops in the vicinity. Barry realized with a squeamish feeling that one of those fallen cops was next to him. The gunman was facing Barry's general direction and Barry wondered why Joe or Singh hadn't fired yet. 

Though, considering the mad man with the machine gun was still practicing his rapid fire, he couldn't blame them for not sticking their head up. 

Barry, however, didn't have the same sense of self preservation and peeped over the car. 

Though he was facing Barry's general direction, the man was firing more towards Barry's left, where Joe and Singh were, leaving the underside of his right arm slightly exposed. 

Without thinking, Barry grabbed the fallen cop's gun. 

Swallowing hard, he aimed....


The man fell to the ground with a grunt, clutching his shoulder in pain. 

Joe and Singh popped up from behind the cars and looked at Barry with shocked expressions.

Barry shakily stood up and walked over to the older men. 

"Whoa," Barry breathed. 

"Nice shot Bar!" Joe yelled.

Barry chuckled lightly.

"I was aiming for his foot."


A/N- Ta da! Finally another chapter. 

I'll try and post weekly, maybe more since softball just ended. Except I might get more this week cause I was kicked outta school for being near someone with Covid. 😐

So lucky you guys! 

Thanks for the patience and support. 

Love y'all! :)

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