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Before lightning. 


Barry yawned. 

He had hardly gotten any sleep last night (maybe 30 minutes) and it had been a long, exhausting day. There had been a crime scene with a shootout, he had done five different case files, and he had skipped lunch. And breakfast.

It was coming up on 2:30.

Barry's vision blurred as he looked at the word on the file he was working on. Well... trying to work on. He hadn't gotten very much done. 

His eyes felt soooooo heavy, and he felt them start to droop, despite his best efforts to keep them open.

Joe walked in, "Hey Bar, how's it going...." He stared at Barry, "You look awful. When was the last time you slept?"

"S'm time yesterday." Barry slurred sleepily.

"Son, you need to go home. Go get some sleep."

"M-m. I have work." Barry argued.

"Work that can wait." Joe grabbed Barry's arm and hoisted him up with little resistance. 

Barry leaned on Joe, practically unable to physically hold himself upright. 

"'Kay," Joe said, "let's go tell Singh I'm taking you home."

Joe knocked on the door. 

"Come in." 

Joe entered, "Hey Captain Singh. I'm going to-"

"What's wrong with Allen?" Singh asked, staring at the boy leaning tiredly on Joe. He was almost totally unresponsive.

"Barry is beyond exhausted. And I don't think he ate at all or slept last night. So I'm bringing him back to his apartment. I'm honestly a little afraid he's gonna fall asleep standing up."

"Yeah. He looks pretty terrible. Go ahead and go."

"Thanks Singh," Joe said, "Come on Bar."

Barry swayed as they walked out of the door. Joe sat him on the bench next to the elevator. "I'll be right back, I just need to grab my stuff."

"Yup," Barry murmured.

Joe left and the elevator dinged open. A man came out, being led by officers, and tried to determine who would be the best hostage so he could escape. He noticed a half asleep kid sitting on the bench. Well this was just too easy. 

He quickly escaped the grasp of the officers holding him, grabbed a gun off of them, and wrapped his thick arm around the boy, pointing the gun at his head.

There were shouts all around the precinct as officers aimed their guns at the criminal. Joe and Singh rushed up to the front of the crowd.

"Let him go!" Joe demanded.

"I'm gonna get out of here first." The man said. An officer tried to move forward, "Nobody move! Or I blow his brains out!"

Barry, who was only partly responsive heard all that was happening, but could only see through the one eye he managed to peel open.

"Hold on Barry!" Joe shouted.

"Hm? Oh right. Ah someone help me." Barry muttered sleepily. 

He rested his head on the barrel of the gun. 

Many of the officers' eyes widened comically, including the man holding Barry hostage. 

"Stop that kid." he said and jarred Barry away from the gun. 

Barry let out a yawn.

"You weren't lying Joe, he is tired." Singh said. 

The man was spouting out threats and demands, Barry interrupted him.

"I'm so tired. Can we just do this tomorrow?"

Everyone just stared at him with bewildered expressions. Some expressions were amused too though. 

The man opened his mouth but had nothing to say to that. This kid was turning out to be a peculiar hostage. So he just continued to make demands.

Barry rested his sleepy head on the man's arm, shaking his head until it became more comfortable. 

The man paused his threats upon hearing a soft snore. 

He looked down at the person in his arms. 

He was snuggled into his shoulder and fast asleep. 

The man was so stunned he lowered his gun. 

Officers who weren't also frozen from shock jumped into action. Singh pulled the man away, while Joe caught the sleeping Barry as he fell. 

The man was quickly taken care of and Singh turned back to Joe, who had sat on the bench with Barry leaning on him. 

Barry was snoring softly, and that caused Singh to smile a little. 

Jo tried to wake Barry up. "Bar. Bar. Barry. Wake up son." Joe shook his head and looked at Singh, "He is out like a light."

Singh shook his head, "I'll help you get him home."


A/N- So I know it's not super great, but I needed to at least write it down. This idea literally came to me right before I was about to fall asleep. I forced myself awake to write it down. 

Anyway, hope y'all are having a good day/night! See y'all! :)

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