Underwater Part 2

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Barry could barley register anything except the flaring pain in his left leg. But he did register the force against his skull. And he did recognize the feel of falling. Then he hit what felt like a ton of bricks. The pain in his leg exploded he gasped, inhaling something wet, and blacked out.

***** LINE BREAK *****

Previously: They looked down just in time to see Barry splash into the rocky water below.


Singh's breath left him in a rush. 

"Barry!!" Joe shouted, his voice cracked.

Singh then jumped into action. The only easy way down this cliff was jumping, but since that was out of the question, he would be scaling down the face of the cliff. He ripped off his jacket and ignored the yelling of Joe. 

He was focused, and nothing, nothing, would stop him from getting to Barry. He started scaling down the cliff. 

His heart was racing. 

He slipped once, sliding down the face until he caught hold of himself, receiving a nasty gash on his arm in the process. 

He gulped and continued. 

After an agonizingly long five minutes, Singh made it to the bottom. He gulped in a massive breath and dived into the water.

No matter how much the salty water burned his eyes, Singh kept them open. Finally, he spotted Barry's limp figure, slowly sinking to the floor. He resurfaced and went back down.

He looped his arms under Barry and kicked upward with all his strength. 

He broke through the surface and gasped. 

He saw the boat a little ways away, gathered his strength, and swam.

***** LINE BREAK *****

Joe watched as his Captain scaled the face of the cliff. He couldn't just stand there, so he raced down to the beach as fast as his legs would carry him. 

Joe had never driven a boat before, but he figured that now was as good a time as any to learn

It took him three minutes, but he finally figured out what he was doing, and drove over near where Singh and Barry would be. 

He stopped the boat and ran on deck. He spotted Singh and temporary relief flooded him when he saw he was carrying Barry's limp figure. He helped haul them on board.

Singh immediately started CPR. 

"Come on Barry. Come on. Come on Barry damn it!" he shouted. 

He started mouth to mouth.

"Don't do this Barry! Wake up! Wake up!" Singh shouted desperately.

He was pounding on Barry's chest.

"Barry..." Singh's voice broke.

Then he heard the most beautiful and horrible sound. The sound of water being choked up.

Singh's face lit up with hope. He quickly turned Barry onto his side.

Joe was sobbing with relief. He knelt down and hugged his son. 

"Damn it Barry." Joe said, crying into his shoulder.

Singh could see that Barry was weak. He had been underwater for at least five minutes and he had a broken leg and probably a concussion. But he was alive.

For now.

A voice in Singh's mind reminded him that this wasn't over yet. 

"Joe, you know how to drive the boat. Go." Singh ordered.

He propped Barry up and cursed when he realized that his phone was gone. He noticed Barry start to nod off.

"Stay awake Barry. You hear me? Stay awake."

Barry seemed to understand, so Singh kept talking. 

"You need to stay awake Barry. If you don't, you'll die. And too many people need you, so you can't die. Joe needs you. You're his kid, he loves you so much and it would crush him to lose you. Iris needs you. You're her best friend, and maybe one day you'll be more, but you have to live. The whole damn precinct needs you Bar. You're the little brother to everyone there. They all care about you and would hate to lose you. You're also the best CSI I've got." 

"I can't lose you. I care about you too much Barry. You're basically a son to me. I've known you since you were twelve. I watched you grow up and become the amazing person you are today. I hate that you seem to be a trouble magnet, that you're always getting into precarious situations. And your stupid selflessness is gonna get you killed one day I swear. Just not today."

"No one's ready for you to leave. I'm certainly not. And if you die, Barry Allen, I swear I'll find a way to bring you back to life so I can scold you for it."

"Just don't die."

***** LINE BREAK ***** 

Singh tapped his foot impatiently inside the hospital waiting room. He huffed, "What's taking them so long?"

Joe smiled softly, "Don't worry, David, they'll come get us in a minute."

Singh calmed down a little, but still drummed his fingers.

A nurse walked out, "Visitors for Barry Allen?"

Singh practically bolted out of his chair. 

The nurse smiled, "This way."

Joe walked in first, "Hey Bar," he said softly.

Barry smiled, "Hi," he croaked.

"Man Bar, you scared the hell out of us." Joe said.


"Don't apologize." Singh said. "You have nothing to apologize for."


Singh smiled gently, "You say sorry too much."

"Sor- Right." Barry corrected.

Singh shook his head fondly.

"I'm gonna go grab some coffee," Joe said, "You want any?"

"I do." Barry said, eliciting a laugh from the two men.

"Sure Joe, I'll have some." Singh said.

Joe left, and Singh pulled a chair up ext to the hospital bed.

"Please don't scare us like that again," Singh said. What he really meant was 'Please don't scare me like that again.'

"No promises," Barry shrugged.

"Barry, what do you remember from that day?" Singh asked.

Barry thought for a minute, "I remember everything up to the point where I think he broke my leg. So he broke my leg then I woke up here."

"Ah," Singh said. He was glad Barry didn't remember anything. It was hard enough for Singh and Joe, but it had to be ten times worse for Barry.

Barry yawned.

"Get some sleep." Singh said. "We'll be here when you wake up."


Barry was asleep in almost an instant. 

Singh shook his head. This kid would be the death of him.

But surely, noting this bad could ever happen again.


A/N- I do love a wonderful usage of dramatic irony. Okay, I really liked writing this story. It's probably one of my favorites. I hope y'all liked it too.

Love y'all! :)

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