Explosion Part 2

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Previously: "Joe why can't I see anything?" Barry whispered. Joe shook his head, "I don't know son."


Barry did not enjoy being blind. He hated it. 

After two weeks, Barry was still running into walls and crashing into things. He had bruises all over from his encounters with table corners and door nobs.

"How you doing Barry?" he heard Joe ask. He felt the couch sink down a bit as Joe sat next to him.

"As fine as I can be." Barry answered.

Joe rubbed his back, "How would you feel about coming into work today?"

Barry's eyebrows raised a bit and he looked in Joe's direction. "For real?"


Barry agreed. He was tired of being on house arrest.

Joe helped guide Barry into the precinct. The closer they got, the more nervous Barry became. He really didn't want people to pity him or think of him as weak. The doctors weren't sure if his sight would come back or not, so Barry might lose his job. 

He heard the elevator ding and then the hustle and bustle of the bull pen. 

Barry bit his lip and followed Joe out. 

"Hey Allen!" an officer said.

Barry smiled and nodded his hello.

Lot's of officers said hello. They all acted normal around him, as if he was the same old Barry. Which he was. So Barry felt a little lighter. 

"Hey Barry," the familiar voice of Bree the receptionist, "Want a brownie?"

Barry smiled, "Yes please." No one in their right mind would ever turn down one of Bree's brownies. 

Maybe things would turn out okay after all. 

***** LINE BREAK *****

It had been six weeks since the incident and Sampson was securely secured in jail, courtesy of an angry Captain Singh. Singh was holding his position open for him in the unlikely event that he would get his sight back. It was possible, but not likely. 

Which broke Barry's heart because he knew he couldn't keep his job without his sight. 

At least he still got to go to the Particle Accelerator opening at STAR labs. He'd been looking forward to that for months. 

Barry was currently sitting in his lab, feeling his way around like he'd been doing for the past five weeks. He had a feel for where everything was and would wander around, pretending like he was doing something. 

Barry heard the familiar footsteps of Iris.

Barry smiled lightly, "Hey Iris."

"Hey Bar," Iris said, used to his keen senses, "You ready to go?"

Barry grabbed his jacket off his chair and linked arms with his sister.  "You bet I am."

The pair walked out and hailed a cab to take them to STAR labs. While they were waiting in line, Iris suddenly shouted in alarm.

"Hey!" she yelled, "that's mine!"

Barry felt someone brush my arm in an effort to get away, and Barry being Barry, took off after them. Blindness be damned. 

He heard the person's footsteps come to a splashing stop.

"Hey," Barry said, "You don't have to do this. Just give me back my friend's bag and we'll call it even."

Then, he felt something hard make contact with his face.  

"Barry!" Iris yelled, "Are you okay?"

Barry nodded.

Iris smacked his head, "then what were you thinking?"

"I don't know," Barry said, "What time is it?"

Iris bit her lip, "Five minutes past the cut off. Sorry Bar."

I huffed, "It's fine. Let's head to the station."

Annoyed, Barry headed up to his lab once they got to the precinct. He just wanted his sight back. He was tired of being so useless. 

He felt his way around until he came to his computer. He turned the volume up so he could listen and then made his way over to a familiar board.

He stood in front of his mom's murder board and sighed. 

He couldn't see it. 

He couldn't help his dad.

Barry's head shot up as the lady on the computer started talking about evacuating STAR labs. Then the computer shut off. Barry heard some wet splatters in his lab and frowned. It was coming from the skylight. 

Barry started pulling on the chains to close the skylight when he heard the crackle of lightning.

Next thing he knew he felt a searing electric pain course through him and glass scraping him. Then he was unconscious. 

***** 9 MONTHS LATER *****

Barry came to to the Lady Gaga. 

Then he heard some unfamiliar voices. 

'What happened?' he thought and he peeled his eyes open. 

He wasn't expecting to see the blurry outline of people. He wasn't expecting to see anything at all. 

Barry bolted upright with a gasp. 

There were people talking around him, but all Barry could think was that he could see again.

He could see. 


A/N- so... don't really like how this one turned out, but whatever. I'm feeling pretty inspired though, so you can expect more chapters today and tomorrow. Yay!

Hope y'all are having a good day/night!

Love y'all! :)

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