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It had been a relatively normal morning for Barry. He woke up late. Raced to work. Got scolded by Singh for being late again. Stopped some crime. And worked on his work. 

As Barry was headed down to hand over some finished work, he heard a familiar voice that abruptly ended the normalcy of his day.


Barry's eyes widened fractionally, and he whipped around. He quickly walked over to the man who was a little difficult to recognize in the disguise he chose.

"Snart." Barry whispered, grabbing his arm and dragging him up the stairs, "What are you doing here? Just because I won't arrest you doesn't mean literally everyone else in this building won't hesitate."

"Yeah, but I need a favor." Len said coolly, "And if I recall correctly, you owe me one after I saved you. Again."

Barry grumbled something unintelligible and folded his arms across his chest. "What," he snapped.

"Don't worry Barry, it's not even crime related." Snart said.

Barry smirked, "I guess that explains why you need help then."

"Shut up."

"What is it you so desperately need my help with?"

Snart sighed, "I have a date. And I don't... know what to do."

Barry snorted, "That's your big problem?"

"Never said it was a big problem, just said I needed your help with it." he said, glaring at Barry.

Barry held his hands up in surrender, "Who is it?"





"You gonna help me scarlet or not?" Snart said, folding his arms.

"Relax, I'll help you out." Barry sat in his chair and swiveled around like he was a therapist. "To start off, where are you taking her?"

"I'm taking her to Sterling's." 

"Oh that's nice. Paying or stealing?" 


Barry raised an eyebrow.

"With stolen money."

Barry grinned. "Alright, that place has a dress code, so no parkas allowed."

"I hate you."

Barry clapped his hands together, "You need a suit."

"I really hate you."

"Hey, you asked for my help. This is my help." 

"I could just have the Waverider  make me a suit." Snart said.

"Not a chance buddy." Barry said, shaking his head. "You want to stick with Sara, you can't cheap out more than you already are. It'll be really touching if you actually pay for the things on your date. It would be even more touching if you paid with your own money, but I think that's asking too much of you. Just do that for the wedding ring."


Barry grinned.

Snart rubbed his temple, "I regret asking you for help."

"Pretty sure your other options were worse. A pyromaniac who could care less about anything, an old guy who would dress you like another old guy, a mechanic who would tell you to take her to Denny's, or the police who would happily put you behind bars." 

"I should've just asked Gideon." 

"Too late now," Barry sing songed. Barry hopped up out of his chair, "C'mon. I am going to help you rock this date."

***** LINE BREAK *****

Barry walked into his lab the next day to be greeted by Snart, sitting in his chair.

Barry smiled, "How'd it go?"

Snart smiled. Like, actually smiled. Not a snarky smirk. A smile.

"It went good."

"You get another date?"


"Way to go Lenny!" Barry said, high fiving the man.

Snart rolled his eyes, "Thanks for your help. Your advice actually worked."

Barry smirked.

"Don't look so smug Allen."

Barry just shrugged. 

Snart stood up and tossed Barry a cookie. Barry laughed and took a bite out of it. As Snart was leaving, Barry stopped him.

"Hey Len," Barry said. He turned around. "If you ever need more advice, just swing on by."

Snart nodded.

"Oh and Snart? Give me my wallet back."

He smirked and tossed Barry his wallet.

A/N- Not really sure about this one... I hope you guys liked it. 

Can y'all believe this? Three chapters in 1 day! (At least for me)

Love y'all! :)

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