Vanessa Part 3

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Vanessa helped Barry out of the taxi. Barry giggled and swayed in his drunken-like state. Vanessa smiled, "Come on Chris. Just this way."

"Oookay." Barry slurred.

They sat underneath a tree, and Vanessa poured him some more water mixed with more PCP. "Here you go babe. Drink up."

Barry drank his water and became more intoxicated and loopy. 

"Do you love me Chris?" Vanessa asked.

"Mmhm," Barry nodded.

"How much do you love me?"

"So mush. To infini'y," Barry slurred.

"Do you?" 

"Yup." Barry looked at the sky, "I want to fly. Like the birds. See Vanessa? Birds." Barry pointed to the sky. 

"Yeah," she said sweetly, "You know how you can prove your love for me?"

"How?" he hiccuped.

"The same way as last time. We can give it another try, since we were so rudely interrupted last time." Vanessa frowned.

"Don' frown," Barry said. "I love you." 

"I love you too." Vanessa pulled a familiar blade out of her bag. She placed it in Barry's hand, "Here. Remember?" She helped guide his hand to cut his arm along his scars."Just like that."

"Huh." Barry said, "It doesn't hurt."

"No," She smiled, "it doesn't."

Barry continued to cut along his scars, his mind to foggy to tell him to stop. His mind was also getting muddled from the blood loss. 

Vanessa watched with a smile on her face. It fell though when she heard people coming. 

"I have to go, okay Chris?" Vanessa stroked Barry's face, "You just stay like that." 

Barry was unconscious and Vanessa grabbed the blade from Barry's limp hand.

"Stay where you are!" someone shouted.

"Barry!" Another called.

Vanessa tried to run, but was tackled to the ground. 

***** LINE BREAK *****

Captain Singh and Joe ran out of the precinct. 

Singh looked at Joe, "I don't think she'd have taken him to his house. Especially since she told you that was where  she was going."

"Let's send Chyre anyway," Joe said, "just to be safe." 

They moved as fast as humanly possible and raced into the cruiser. 

"Joe, call the taxi drivers. See if you can find where they went." Singh said.

Singh sat impatiently at the wheel. Joe finished getting off the phone. "They said they just dropped two people like that off at the forest."

Singh stepped on the gas and turned on his siren. He drove as fast as his damn car would go, which still wasn't fast enough in his opinion. Joe called an ambulance, and told them where to go. They reached the forest and Singh slammed the breaks.

The two men raced out of the car and into the woods. 

"Barry!" Joe called.

"Allen!" Singh yelled.

Joe noticed a fresh trail of trampled grass.

"This way!" He yelled. 

They sprinted down the path and found what they were looking for, but not what they were hoping to see. 

They saw Barry unconscious with a bloody arm, and Vanessa trying to leave.

"Stay where you are!" Singh shouted and tackled Vanessa.

"Barry!" Joe yelled and rushed to his son's side.

He ripped fabric off of Barry's shirt and wrapped it around his arm to try and slow the blood flow. "Wake up Barry. Damn it. Wake up!"

"Stop it!" Vanessa cried, "You're ruining him!"

Singh looked at her in horror.

The ambulance arrived, and the paramedics rushed over to the noise with a gurney. They laid Barry down. 

Singh cuffed Vanessa and handed her off to another medic to check for any injuries they didn't care about.

"There's no pulse. Starting chest compressions." someone said.

Singh put a hand on Joe's shoulder, and watched on with horror. Joe was crying. 

After a minute and fifteen seconds, a paramedic said, "We've got a pulse. He's back."

Singh sighed in relief, but it was short lived as everyone hustled Barry away and into the ambulance. 

Singh and Joe quickly followed them in their car. Joe was muttering words of prayer that Singh was repeating in his head. 

Barry had to be alright. He needed  to be alright. 

***** LINE BREAK *****

Three weeks later, Barry sat in his lab with a cup of coffee from Jitters. He went over some case files and was a little bored. He finished a few files and went down to give them to Captain Singh. 

"Hi Captain Singh," Barry said cheerfully.

"Hey Allen. How are you feeling?"

"I'm good Sir." Barry said.


"Yes," Barry said truthfully. 

Singh smiled at him, "It amazes me, Barry, that you've been through hell and back several times, yet you can still be cheerful. Like, honestly happy, not fake happy. That's really something special you've got."

"Thank you Captain," Barry smiled.

"Have a good day Allen."

"You too Captain."


A/N- Yay! I finished it. What did you guys think of 'Vanessa'? I enjoyed writing it, I hope y'all enjoyed reading it. Please tell me what you think! :)

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