Kitty Cat

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Captain Singh was on his way home from work. There had been a series of missing persons cases, and the police was at its wits end trying to figure it out. 

Singh was lost in thought, so he didn't really pay much attention to the man following him. Not until the man placed his hand over Singh's face did he even register that he was being followed. 

Singh fell towards the ground but managed landed on his feet. 

He opened his mouth to holler at the man running away, but all that came out was a meow. 

Singh stopped short. 

He looked down at himself and saw four black legs with white paws and a long black tail. He felt his head with his hands- paws and felt two pointy ears.

What the f-

"Hey there little guy." A voice said.

Singh jumped and turned around to see Barry Allen looking down at him with a soft smile. Barry knelt down and reached to pet Singh. The police captain initially backed up, but Barry's gentle hand was soothing and he inadvertently leaned into it. 

Then Singh got an idea. If he could get Barry to realize that it was him, Barry could help him. So when Barry stopped petting him (which made Singh more disappointed than he'd care to admit) he followed him. Barry noticed and turned around. 

He stared at the cat, took a couple steps back, and Singh took a few steps forward. Barry gave the feline a confused grin. 

"You want to come with me?" Barry asked, kneeling back down.

Singh took the opportunity and rubbed his head on Barry's knee, prompting him to pet him again. Barry did, making the Captain purr happily. Once he was back to normal, he'd have to make Barry swear to secrecy to make sure this never got out. 

"Alright little guy," Barry said, scooping up the cat into his arms, "I can take care of you for a while." 

Mission accomplished. 

Now for the hard part. Making Barry realize that it's him. 

Barry had considered flashing his way back to his apartment, but he didn't want to spook his new pet, so he just walked and stroked the cat. When they finally arrived at Barry's apartment building, Barry looked at Singh the cat in the eyes.

"I'm warning you now," Barry said, "My roommate is an animal lover. A big time animal lover. So you will probably be stolen from me quite often. But don't worry, he's cool."

But how was he supposed to get Barry to figure out it's him if he's constantly with his roommate? 

Barry unlocked the door and walked in.

"Reggie! I'm back!" Barry called. (Love you guys who know why I chose the name Reggie.)

Singh could immediately tell that this Reggie character was sprightly and a bit crazy. Reggie popped his head out from the kitchen. The dark haired boy gasped when he saw that his roommate was carrying an animal.

"You brought back a cat!" He yelled excitedly.

Barry chuckled and set Singh down. "Yup," he said, "try not to scare him off."

"What are you talking about? Animals love me." Reggie protested.

Reggie advanced towards the cat, and Singh darted behind Barry's legs.

Not a chance buddy, Singh thought.

But then Reggie made the most pitiful sad face and Singh felt bad. So he slowly made his way over to Reggie.

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