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Barry is in the coma. So... coma fic?


David stood at the entrance to Barry's lab. It was still a mess because no one wanted to come near the room. Honestly he didn't either, but he was the Captain, and someone had to suck it up and take care of the mess.

David took a tentative step in, careful to avoid the chemicals and glass.

Barry's papers were scattered around his desk and floor. His coat and bag were still hanging on his chair. 

David swallowed hard and tried to block out the memories of running in and finding Barry limp across the chemical rack. 

He walked over to Barry's desk where case files were strewn about. He noticed one that read "Starling City" at the top. A faint smile crossed his face as he remembered finding out that Barry had once again faked being sick and went all the way to Starling City for one of his 'impossible cases'. 

He picked up the file and almost instantly got a surge of thrill that most definitely was not his. The next moment he was no longer in Barry's lab, but in some facility with Detective Lance and freaking Oliver Queen. And then he saw Barry rush in late and bumbling.

That sent a pang of sadness that was definitely his.

And then Barry went on rambling his genius observations. Mr. Queen seemed to be acting awfully strange during the whole thing. And then David saw Barry talking to a blonde girl who had come with Mr. Queen. David felt more emotions that were most certainly not his. 

David was really confused as to what was happening. 

These seemed like memories, but not his memories. Barry's memories. 

There was a sort of mist and Barry was sitting on a bench waiting for a train. This must've been after David had yelled at him over the phone to get his ass back to Central City. 

Then his eyes widened as something struck Barry. 

David's hand shot up to his neck where he felt a soft prick in the same place that the dart hit Barry. 

The world went black around him. And then it came back into focus and he watched Barry shoot up on a cot sorta bed. The area around him was rough and then the blonde girl from the crime scene was in front of him. 

What the heck! He thought. She kidnapped him?

The girl- Felicity, the name sorta just floated into his brain- looked at him with wide, pleading eyes.

"Save him." She said. 

And there was Oliver Queen. Starling City's vigilante.

Then he was back in Barry's lab. 

David breathed heavily as he tried to wrap his head around what just happened. 

He looked down at the Starling City case file in his hands. David ran a hand through his hair. 

That had been Barry's memory. He was sure of it. He just wasn't sure how the heck he could see it by just touching a piece of paper. 

Now, David was afraid to touch anything. But he wanted to see if this was real or if he was going crazy. 

So he cautiously reached out and touched the metal chains for the sky light. 

David saw the fallen chemical rack upright with the chemicals rising out in a way that should definitely not be possible. Then he felt a searing pain and saw a bright light. And then that memory was gone.

David was sure of it. He was seeing Barry's memories. 

This was so bizarre and David could not deal with it right now. He grabbed Barry's coat and bag, intending to bring them to West and marched out the door. 

Too much too soon. 

David slipped into his car, hardly remembering getting outside, and put his head in his hands. He didn't really want to think about the boy who was declared comatose just two days ago, but instead he was thrown into that same person's memories. 

He glanced at the bag in the seat beside him, and couldn't help but wonder.


That would be a violation of Barry's privacy. 

But his hands seemed to have a mind of their own as they opened and thumbed through the bag.

And pulled out a journal.

A journal that read: Barry Allen

To be continued...


A/N- So in this one- hello yes I'm still alive- was another request from xX_DragonCry_Xx

I'll hopefully get the next part posted soon! Thanks for being patient with me. Now that the holidays are over hopefully I'll post more regularly.

Love y'all!

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