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Singh POV

"Allen look out!" I yelled.

My eyes widened as a massive piece of wood flew towards Barry at high speeds. 


The wood hit Allen.


Allen hit the ground.

"Allen!" I yelled again, and ran towards his fallen body. I turned him onto his back and winced at the sight of the large wound on his head. 

Joe ran over. "Barry! What happened?" 

"The building exploded and a piece of wood hit him. We need to call an ambulance!" I explained.

"No!" Joe said suddenly. "We need to call STAR labs. They are better suited to care for Barry." 

I didn't argue, even though I wanted to, because I had a feeling Joe knew what he was doing. I looked back at Barry.

He groaned and started to move.

My eyes widened, "Allen. Hey, wake up."

He brought a hand up and rubbed his face.

Joe crouched next to us, "Bar?" he asked, "Caitlin's on her way. You just hang in there."

Barry opened his eyes fully. He looked at us with a confused expression and tried to sit up.

"Allen stay down," I said.

"Bar? Barry." Joe said.

Barry still looked confused. I was worried now. Well, more worried. 

"Barry?" I asked.

"Who?" Barry asked. 

Joe and I shared a look of alarm.

"What do you mean 'who'?" Joe asked.

"Barry?" I asked again.

Barry rubbed his head, "Who's Barry?"

"Crap," I muttered.

"Who are you?" Barry asked, scooting away.

"Barry, It's me. Joe." Joe said. "And Captain Singh. Remember Barry?"

"Okay, please tell me who this Barry is." Barry said.

Then to my ultimate relief, a STAR labs van pulled up. Two people rushed out.

"Joe what happened?" the Latino boy asked.

The girl just ran to Barry. "Barry, are you alright?"

Barry got agitated, "Who is Barry! And who are all of you? Why can't I remember anything?"

Caitlin's eyes widened, "It's me, Caitlin. And Cisco. And you are Barry."

"I am?"

She nodded. "Can you come with us? Into the van so we can take you to STAR labs and check you out?"

To my alarm, Barry scrambled to his feet, "I'm not going anywhere with you! Why do you want to take me to a lab? Are you gonna experiment on me? Stay back!" He yelled backing away from us. 

"Barry," Joe said firmly, "We're your friends and family."

"How do I know? I can't remember anything, so how do I know you're not some criminal who wiped my memory so they could experiment on me." Barry said.

I had to fight off a small grin at Barry's antics. He made a fair point. "Alle- Barry," I said, using his first name so I wouldn't confuse him, "You can trust us. I'm a cop. Joe's a cop. And those are your friends."

Joe pulled out his phone, "See Bar?" He showed him pictures of him and his friends and Joe, "We're your family."

Barry finally settled.

Caitlin sighed, "Now will you come with us? I want to run some tests to make sure nothing else is hurt. And to see if this is temporary. I'm sure it is."

"Come on man," Cisco said.

Barry didn't say anything, but he followed them into the van. I got into the front with Cisco driving.

"He's gonna be okay, right?" I asked.

"I'm sure," Cisco responded, "Barry's a quick healer as it is, and Caitlin always knows how to fix him up."

I just nodded. We sat in silence the rest of the way to STAR labs. Once we got there, Cisco ran ahead, presumably to get things ready, while the rest of us stayed with Barry.

When we got inside I allowed a small whistle. The place was impressive. Caitlin sat Barry down and checked up on him, running a few different tests. It took all around 20 minutes. 20 minutes of awkward, tense silence. 

"So, Barry should be back to normal soon," Caitlin said, "I can't say how long exactly, but it is only temporary."

I sighed in relief. It would be bad, to say the least, if my best CSI were to have permanent memory loss. I also cared about Allen, but I'm really not a sentimental sort of person. 

"Singh, can you stay with Barry for a minute, I need to talk with Cisco and Caitlin," Joe said.

"Sure." I said.

Joe pulled them into another room and I stayed, awkwardly, with Barry.

"So..." Barry said, "you're my boss?"

"Yeah," I said, "yeah, I'm your boss."

"Cool." Barry said. "Am I good at my job?" he asked.

"Yeah, actually," I said with a smile, "Even though you're almost always late, you are very good at your job. The best, actually."

Barry grinned. "Thanks."

I smiled. Barry was different. He has always been a happy person, but after his mom's death, he started to carry  more weight on his shoulders. I realized that he didn't remember that his mom died. He didn't remember anything. 

Suddenly, Joe and Cisco peeked out of the room. 

"Hey Barry," Cisco said, "catch."

He tossed Barry a pen that Barry miserably failed to catch. 

Barry ran a hand through his hair, "Sorry." he said.

Cisco nodded and they went back into the room. Before they closed the door, I heard Joe say "That was awful." And I smiled. 

"Well, Barry," I said, "I hope you get your memories back soon." I stuck out my hand.

"Bye," he said and shook my hand. 

I quickly took my hand away though, because Barry's hand started to shake. No... vibrate. 

"What the..." Barry said staring at his hand in confusion.

Then he promptly crashed into a table at super speed. Wait. Super speed? My eyes widened.

Joe and the others raced out of the room upon hearing the crash.

"Barry!" Caitlin yelled, running over to him.

"What the hell just happened?" Barry asked.

I was wondering the same thing. I noticed the other three people exchange a glance, then look at me, and then look at Barry.

Cisco laughed nervously. 

"Joe?" I asked, ready for an explanation just as much as Barry.

"So..." Joe started.

"Dude, you've got super speed," Cisco cut in. 

Barry's eyes widened, but not as much as my own. Barry has super speed. That meant... that meant that he was the Flash. My god. 

Barry Allen is the Flash. 


A/N- sooo.... what'd you think? It's not my favorite one, but... yeah. 

Hope y'all are enjoying! Please send any one-shot requests if you have any! :)

What Happens at the CCPDजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें