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Barry POV

I am not a stranger to hurt. 

I have been beaten, bruised, and shot. I have had my family ripped away from me. I have had to watch the people I cares about get hurt and killed. 

But this was a new hurt. 

One that I had never felt before, and I wish I'd never ever have to feel. 

I sat at his desk, head in my hands, trying to fight off tears. It had been three days since my dad left. He just got out of prison, and he left. 

He left me. For fourteen years, I wanted nothing more than to have my father back in my life. To be part of his life. And when that time finally came, my dad left.

I knew that he would need to find his life again. Find his purpose and freedom. But I had just hoped to be part of that. 

To put it simply, I felt abandoned.

Abandoned by the one person I wanted back in my life. The last person who was my blood. My family. 

And, for the life of me, I can't figure out why. Why did dad leave?

I didn't realize that I was crying until I heard myself sniffle. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and scrubbed my eyes. 

It wasn't fair. Every time I managed to win, I had to lose in some other way. I couldn't make sense of it. I stared at the case file in front of me with blurry vision from watering eyes. Nothing made sense anymore.

Was I not enough? Was I not a good enough reason for my dad to stay? Or at least stay closer? He moved so far away. Why did he leave? Why did he leave me?

I couldn't stop the onslaught of tears that came.

Ugh, man up Allen, I thought, Quit being so selfish.

I wanted my dad.

I wanted his to show up, console me, tell me that he loved me and that I was enough for him to stay.

I sobbed quietly at my desk, burying my face in my hands.

Then I felt a hand on my shoulder. I jumped and quickly wiped my tears, though it was useless because the tears kept coming anyway.

I turned and saw Joe, he was looking at me with sadness in his eyes.

I couldn't help it, I stood up and wrapped my arms around Joe, who readily returned the hug.

"Why did he leave Joe?" I cried softly.

I felt Joe shake his head, "I don't know."

I squeezed him harder.

Joe didn't say anything. He just rubbed my back and let me cry.

Then he did say something.

"I'm here son."

I cried harder.

I wanted my dad to be here. To console me and tell me I was good enough for him. That he wouldn't leave me.

And here he was.

I smiled through my tears.

"I love you dad."


A/N - another unfinished chapter finished. Two in one day? Wow. This must be me making up for my dry spell.

This one made me happy.

Love y'all! :)

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