Rescue Part 2

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That son of a bitch is going down.

***** ONE WEEK LATER *****

(A/N- I'm just gonna say now, Iris is living with her mom in this because I can do that and she's not really in this, but if any of you are like me, you're gonna be wondering what happened to her so.... yeah.)

-Day 1-

Barry had officially moved in with David Singh, his new adopted father. To say Barry was nervous was an understatement. 

He was terrified that history would repeat itself and he'd be stuck in another crappy home. Or he was worried that his new dad would simply grow tired of him and kick him out to live on the streets. Or that he would mess up in some way and be thrown into the system. 

He didn't want to be in the system. And he was sure that David wouldn't hurt him like Joe did, but he was still scared. 

Some scars take longer to heal. 

Barry stood in the doorway of his new room. 

It was roomy, especially compared to the crawl space Joe kept him in. And he had a full sized bed with actual pillows and a quilt. There was a desk with a lamp and a large closet that was much too large in Barry's opinion. The room was in no means fancy or expensive, but after living like Harry Potter for the last five years, everything other than his 'cupboard under the stairs' seemed extravagant. 

David put a hand on Barry's shoulder. His heart broke a little more when Barry flinched under his touch.

"You like it?" He asked, "I didn't put anything up because I figured you would want to decorate it yourself."

Barry nodded. Then after a moment he said, "Thank you."

David smiled, "I'm going to make dinner. Pasta okay?"

Barry nodded.

Dinner rolled around, and Barry just sat at the table, staring at his plate of pasta. 

Was he allowed to eat it? He wondered. What were the rules? Joe always had a specific set of rules.

1) Only call him Mr. West, Detective West or sir
2) Do not speak unless spoken too
3) He could only eat after Joe and Iris were finished. (Though Iris always made sure to try and leave extra for him)
4) Do all the chores right the first time
5) Don't leave his 'room' after his curfew of 8:00
6) Make sure breakfast is ready for Joe when he gets downstairs
7) Don't make too much noise during a beating
8) Break any of these rules and he gets a beating

So Barry sat at the table staring at his food.

"Bar, are you not hungry? You've got to eat something. There's yogurt in the fridge."

Barry swallowed his nerves and asked quietly, "I can eat?"

David's shoulders slumped, "Of course Barry. You can eat any time you like."

David was going to kill Joe West. Prison wasn't enough for that bastard.

Barry started to eat slowly, then quicker after discovering that his new foster dad made some mean pasta. But he still had doubt in the back of his mind. 

The night went fairly smoothly. Barry didn't say much, but he was getting himself familiar with his surroundings. Once bedtime came, at 9:00 much to Barry's shock, he laid awake, restless.

Eventually, he grabbed his pillow and quilt and walked over to the closet, opening it quietly. He set up a sort of nest like the one he had back at Joe's. At least this time he had an actual pillow and not just bunched up clothes. 

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