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Five years. 

For five years Barry put up with abuse from his foster father. 

Barry accepted every physical and mental beating Joe West gave him for five years. 

He was 16 now and the beatings were getting worse. Iris never did anything. She just watched with sad eyes. The most she would do was patch Barry up lightly if the beating was particularly brutal. 

Today, he was standing outside of the precinct where Joe worked. He wanted to go inside, but he was afraid that someone would notice the large bruise on the side of his face. And while he was okay at lying, he was never the best at it, and he didn't like it. He wanted nothing more than to just break down and tell someone everything. 

But he couldn't.

And Joe was expecting him... Barry glanced at his watch. 

Ten minutes ago!

Barry forgot all reservations and darted inside the building. He was so getting beat for this later. 

As he was running, Barry bumped into a large figure, knocking some papers out of the persons hand.

"I'm so sorry," Barry said, his eyes wide as he scrambled to pick up the papers. 

"It's alright."

Barry glanced up and stopped short when he saw the freaking captain of the police department. 

'Well,' Barry thought, 'I've lived a half decent life. Who am I kidding it's been a crappy life.'

"You alright kid?" Singh asked, peering at the boy closely.

Barry swallowed hard, "Yeah- yeah," he stuttered, "I'm just uh- I'm just heading up- up to meet with my um- with my foster dad."

Singh frowned and nodded, "You're West's kid right? Barry?"

Barry nodded. 

Singh patted Barry on the shoulder and Barry flinched slightly. Singh studied him carefully before smiling lightly. 

"Well, I'll see you later Barry." Singh said, gently taking his papers from Barry and walking away. He spared one backwards glance at the kid, noticing him take a deep breath before continuing on his path. 

Singh made his way back to his office with a frown. He didn't fail to notice the bruise on Barry's face. Or the way he flinched when Singh patted him. Or the way he was exceedingly nervous and wary, particularly when he mentioned his foster father. 

For the next few weeks, Singh made a point of saying hello to Barry whenever he came to the precinct. Which was often. He came nearly every day, and Singh found himself looking forward to seeing the kid. He got to know him and found out that his favorite color was red, he really loved hamburgers, and that his dream job was being a forensic scientist. 

But while getting to know him, Singh noticed several little quirks. How whenever someone would come close, he'd flinch ever so slightly. How he would gravitate towards the darkest corner of a room, as if hoping he'd disappear. And, most concerning, hoe eerily silent he was whenever Joe West was around. 

Because, Singh had learned that, once the kid warmed up to you, he was a chatter box. 

And Singh never failed to notice the bruises, winces, and limps. Or the way his cheerfulness was almost always false. And the dark circles under his eyes.

He was positive that this was the work of West. But unless he could get Barry to confess to being abused, he really couldn't do much. 

And, for some... parental reason, Singh wanted nothing more than to keep Barry safe. 

And he'd be damned if he didn't.

So the next day, when Barry came in- late, Singh gently asked him to come into his office. He could see the fear in Barry's eyes as he closed the door. It made Singh's heart ache. 

"Did you need something sir?" Barry asked quietly, head down.

Singh frowned hard and tilted Barry's chin up.

"Barry, I want you to be honest with me," Singh said, "Are you being abused?"

Barry swallowed and stared at Singh straight in the eye. That was really all the answer Singh needed, but he also needed a verbal response if he really wanted to do something.

Singh put his hands on Barry's shoulders. "Barry." He said softly.

And Barry just broke down. He collapsed into Singh's arms and sobbed into his chest. 

After a few minutes, Barry calmed down and pulled back. He wiped his eyes. "Sorry," he whispered.

Singh sat next to Barry and put an arm around him, "Don't be. You have nothing to be sorry for."

Barry sniffed and licked his lips. "Yeah," he finally admitted, "Joe sometimes... he hits me and uh stuff."

Singh felt anger rush through him at Barry's confession. 

Singh took a deep breath, "Thanks for telling me Bar. I'm going to get you out of there. I promise."

Barry nodded.

"You just hang out in here for a bit alright?"

Barry nodded again. 

Singh strode out the office door with one thought.

That son of a bitch is going down.


A/N- It took a lot of will power for me to not write "That son of a motherless goat" rather than "That son of a bitch". 

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