Poisoned Part 1

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[Barry in a bar after failing to save someone]

Barry sat at the bar, nursing his drink that was failing to do its job. Stupid metabolism.

The memories from earlier that day replayed in his head relentlessly. 

The bullet was headed straight for her. The little girl with long red hair and a round face speckled with freckles. She looked at him with fear in her big blue eyes. She was pleading with him to save her. Barry ran. Faster than he'd ever ran before. But it still wasn't fast enough.

He caught the child before she collided with the pavement. She was dead before she hit his arms. The bullet hole in the middle of her forehead tainted her childish face that was frozen in a fearful expression. But her blue eyes were blank. Dead. 

She was dead.

Barry laid the girl down and raced away throwing up in the STAR labs trash can half a second later. 

Barry took a shuddering breath and downed the rest of his drink. He ordered another and left to use the bathroom, seeing as he'd been there for at least three hours. 

Barry ran his hands over his face and looked in the bathroom mirror. 

Barry swallowed back bile as he shakily approached the crime scene where he had just been half an hour ago. He saw the small shape under the tarp. His hand shook violently as he pulled back the material. He then quickly got up ran to the bushes to throw up again. 

Barry sat back down and stared at his drink. He vaguely noticed someone new sitting next to him. He had blue eyes. But he was so lost in his own thoughts that he didn't care that the man was looking at him with hate so strong he could almost touch it. He took a gulp of his drink.

A woman with short red hair was sobbing. She was crying out for her little girl. Crying out for Cameron. The little girl's name was Cameron. It was a week from her birthday. She was turning seven.

Barry shook his head and drank the rest of his drink, ignoring the slightly odd flavor of the drink and the blue eyed man's small smirk.

He paid his tab and left. Racing home and collapsing on his bed, still fully clothed.

It took Barry most of the night to fall asleep. And when he did, he was plagued by the crying mother and her child's dead blue eyes. He woke up in a cold sweat and raced to the bathroom to throw up again.

He never got back to sleep after that. He felt horrible. He was emotionally drained. He was physically tired.  

Barry passed it off as the after affect of the previous night. And made his way to work.

Upon entering the precinct, Singh called him to his office. But he didn't yell at him. He simply looked at him with... concern? and handed him a file slowly. 

"You sure you don't want to take the day off Allen?" Singh asked as Barry approached the door to leave, "You look like you could use it."

Barry shook his head, "I'm fine."

He turned and made his way up to his lab. His joints and bones screamed at him as he climbed up the stairs. His head spun and his vision blurred as he sat down at his desk. There was a pounding at the base of his skull. 

Barry stumbled to the thermostat on the wall, hoping to cool the room off since it felt like a sauna. The numbers swam around, making Barry even dizzier. His breaths were short and ragged. 

Something was very wrong. 

Barry's vision blackened around the edges and he reached out blindly for his desk. He stumbled towards his seat. Everything ached and burned. He couldn't see. Couldn't think. Couldn't breathe.

Barry collapsed on the ground, withering in pain. 

Then, he lost consciousness. 

***** LINE BREAK *****

Singh called Barry to his office when he saw him enter the building. 

He hated to admit it, but he was really worried about the kid. He reacted really bad to the previous day's crime scene. He hated that someone so young had to see that sort of thing. 

Barry came into his office and Singh had to hold back a gasp.

He looked terrible. 

Really really terrible. His skin was pale and he was sweating. He had dark circles under his eyes and flushed cheeks.

Singh slowly handed him a file. It was the one from yesterday, and he was really worried. Barry took it and headed to the door. 

"You sure you don't want to take the day off Allen?" Singh asked as Barry approached the door to leave, "You look like you could use it."

Barry shook his head, "I'm fine."

Singh scoffed as Barry left.

Like hell he was fine. 

After five minutes, Singh shook his head and stood up. He marched out of his office and up the stairs. He was sending Allen home weather he wanted it or not. 

He walked into the lab and his eyes widened at the sight of Barry sprawled on the floor, unconscious.

"Allen!" He cried and rushed to his side.

He checked his wrist for a pulse and paled. There was nothing.

Singh frantically started CPR.

"Come on Allen. Don't do this. Wake up!"



A/N- Well look at that! I'm not dead. 

Part 2 coming soon! 

Love y'all! Thank's for your patience. :)

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