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Pre Lightning


Singh POV

I watched the heavy snowfall through my office window. 

Forecast said that we're supposed to get a blizzard, so most everyone had turned in for the night. All the sensible people anyway. 

There was a knock at my door and I swiveled around to see Allen. 

He smiled softly, "I'm heading home now."

"Alright," I said, "stay safe."

Barry nodded and left. 

Not even ten minutes later, just as I was packing up to head home myself, the blizzard of all blizzards hit. The wind whistled and ripped through the streets at high speeds. My head snapped up when I heard a crack. A medium sized tree had given way in the wind. 

My thoughts ran back to the CSI that left not too long ago. 

There was no way he made it home yet. Even by cab it takes 15-20 minutes. But he prefers walking, which takes an extra ten minutes. And he would be dumb enough to walk home in this weather. And he was only wearing one coat. No hat or scarf or gloves. 

Crap crap crap crap crap.

I grabbed my coat, gloves, and hat, throwing them on as I raced down the stairs. I braced myself for the cold to come and stepped outside.

Holy crap it was cold. 

The wind was brutal. It was bitingly cold and so strong it nearly blew me off my feet. 

And Allen would've been walking against it. 


I moved as fast as I could in the direction of Allen's apartment. 

"Allen!" I yelled. As if he would actually hear me over the storm. 

I blocked my face and continued to search for him. He could be anywhere. 

"ALLEN!" I hollered again.

I heard a metallic bang in an alleyway up ahead. 

Oh please tell me that's him. I hurried the last few meters and ducked into the semi-protected alleyway. 


I heard a small cough behind the dumpster. "Captain?" a soft voice asked. 

I darted around and saw Allen curled up in a ball, blanketed in white.

"Oh hello," he said quietly. 

I knelt next to him and tapped his face, "Stay awake Allen. I've got to get you inside."

I hoisted him up and put my hat on his head. 

"You dumb ass," I mumbled, "why didn't you wear a hat?" 

Barry smiled softly, his eyes sliding shut.

"Nope. Stay awake. You need to help me get you back to the precinct."

Barry nodded and we started our way back. It was only two blocks away, but it took an absurdly long amount of time. Finally, the tall building loomed in front of us. I opened it up and shoved Barry inside, slamming the door behind us. 

The warmth of the building enveloped me, and I let out a sigh of relief. 

One glance at my CSI and my relief was washed away. 

He was literally blue. And he was shaking like a leaf.

"Damn it Barry," I said. I took off his coat and started to quickly rub his arms as I guided him to the elevator. Thank god that was still working. 

Barry sank to the floor, shivering violently. 

I guided the half awake boy to my office, cranked up the heat, and started the coffee maker. 

I saw Barry's eyes start to close again.

"God damn it Barry, you need to stay awake! I won't have you dying from hypothermia." 

I discarded Barry's soaked socks and shoes and wrapped at least 11 blankets around him. 

Slowly but surely, Barry started to warm up and shiver less. He was still only partly coherent though. I was curious to see how much of this he would remember. 

I let out a long, relived sigh. This kid was gonna be the death of me. 

I grabbed a fresh cup of hot coffee and put it in Barry's hands.

"Drink up Allen." I said.

Slowly, and still a little shakily, Barry sipped the warm beverage. 

Almost immediately some color returned to his face. After half the drink was gone, he no longer looked like a member of the walking dead. 

I shook my head as I sipped my own coffee.

He may never be on time. He might go on unauthorized cases in Timbuktu. But like hell would I ever fire him. And like hell was I ever gonna let the kid leave without at least three layers in the winter again. 

My god. 

I sound like a parent. 

I smiled, "Damn you Barry Allen."


A/N- Man do I hate conclusions. Unless it's a death fic, it never really turns out how I want it to. 

But I did like this one, hope y'all did too. I think it was a request from @xX_DragonCry_Xx . Hope it's what you were hoping for.

Love y'all! :)

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