Dirty Cops Part 1

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Pre lightning


Barry's day had been going relatively well. Which meant the world would have to find some way to compensate for it.

"Hey lab rat, get these done will you!" Jared Winfeild shouted, throwing a stack of papers at Barry. The papers flew everywhere.

"Pick these up freak," Winfeild's pal, Kevin Rendall, said harshly, stepping on some of the papers.

Winfeild and Rendall had been notorious to Barry since the beginning of time. When Barry started coming to the precinct as a kid after his mom died, the two men made it their personal mission to be mean to Barry. They were fairly older than Barry. They were in their mid to high thirties, whereas Barry was just 21.

"Thank you for the papers," Barry said, picking the papers up off the dirty ground. He refused to start fights with them, knowing he would lose. And he was always polite, much to their annoyance.

"To weak to stand up for yourself?" Rendall sneered.

"Just because I'm being civil with you doesn't mean I like you." Barry snapped, startling the men. "In fact, I rather despise the two of you."

Winfeild and Rendall were stunned. Barry had never spoken back to them before.

"What'd you say?" Winfeild asked.

"Oh sorry. Did you need me to dumb it down to your language?" Barry asked, standing up, "I don't like you. Sorry if you still had trouble understanding. I don't speak stupid too well."

The two men's eyes darkened and they stormed off. 

Barry smirked, feeling rather proud of himself. He was so tired of putting up with their shrap.

Winfeild and Rendall had never gotten caught berating and belittling Barry, and they acted so pleasant when others were around, so no one would believe Barry if he told them what they were doing. He had always just accepted their cruel words and went on with his day. But he had to admit, standing up for himself felt pretty good.

Barry finished out his day without seeing Winfeild and Randall, much to his delight. 

Joe knocked on the lab door, "I'm headed home Barry. See you tomorrow."

"Ok. Bye Joe." Barry said, "Stay safe."

"You too."

After about half an hour, the sun was getting really low, so Barry decided to head home. He packed up his things and headed out the door. The autumn air was crisp and fresh and Barry was happy to be walking home.

As he passed an alley next the the station, he was pulled into it forcefully. 

Ok. Maybe he wanted a car.

He was thrown against a wall and Barry looked up to see Winfeild and Randall. 

Barry bit his lip, "What do you want."

"We are tired of you," Winfeild said, "so we're gonna end you."

Barry paled and tried to back away, but there was a wall behind him, so he wasn't going anywhere. The two men advanced on him and Barry tried to make a run for it, but Randall grabbed him and threw him on the ground. Then he kicked him.

After kicking him a few times, Winfeild forced him up against the wall and started punching him. In the face and in the gut. They certainly didn't pull their punches. 

Winfeild threw him against the dumpster and Barry's head hit the corner, making him cry out in pain as black dots swam across his vision. 

"Be quiet freak." Winfeild scolded, kicking him in the head. 

Barry tried to crawl away, but Randall stomped down on his arm. Barry head a sickening snap and he cried out in pain again. 

"We said shut up." Randall said, kicking him in the face.

"Hey! Hands in the air!" 

***** LINE BREAK *****

Captain Singh was heading to his car when he heard a yell of pain. His head snapped up and he looked around, trying to find the source of the scream. For some reason, it really chilled hi to the bone. 

He started walking towards an alley when he heard another cry, confirming the location. Singh broke into a run.

He pulled out his gun and peered into the alley.

"We said shut up." a voice he recognized said.

"Hey! Hands in the air!" Singh shouted, leveling his gun and making himself known.

In the dim lighting, he could make out a bloody figure by the dumpster. The two men cursed and put their hands up, knowing the police Captain would shoot them if they didn't listen. He wouldn't kill them, but it would sure as hell be painful. Singh quickly cuffed them and called for someone to take them into the precinct.

Singh looked at the two officers in disgust and he shoved them two the other officers who just showed up. "Take them into a holding cell." Singh ordered.

Singh turned back to the bloody person, wondering who it was that the two hated so much they would be willing to risk their badges for.

Singh knelt down and a gasp escaped him when he saw his young forensic scientist curled in a bloody ball. 

"Allen," Singh said, alarm clear in his voice.

Singh had taken a liking to the young, chronically late, but very intelligent forensic assistant. A lot of the times, he did more work than his actual CSI's. 

And now he was nearly passed out, beaten to a pulp in the alley.

Singh cursed repeatedly as he propped Barry's head in his lap. He quickly called for an ambulance and started assessing his injuries.

Barry's face was so bloody Singh couldn't make out a single injury on it. A large chunk of Barry's head was bleeding sluggishly. And Singh could assume that he had bruised if not broken ribs. And he was positive he had a concussion.

"Damn it damn it damn it. Where is that gad damn ambulance?" Singh muttered. Barry whimpered, causing David to look down at him with concern. "Hey Allen. You're gonna be fine. Just hold tight, an ambulance is on its way."

Barry's eyes slid closed, well eye, since the left on was so swollen it was already shut.

"Hey, stay awake kid." Singh said. "Hear me, stay awake."

Barry whimpered again, "Hurts," he mumbled, his words slurred.

"I know, but you've gotta keep your eyes open."

Singh heard the sweet sweet sound of sirens getting closer, and next thing he knew, he was driving to the hospital in his car, waiting to hear about Barry. 


A/N- Finally! Some whump! This is actually a pretty old fic I just hadn't revised and posted yet, so I hope it's good. I mean... I like it. 

Anyways,hope y'all are having a good day/night!

Love y'all! :)

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