Sick Day

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Barry Allen does not take sick days.

Well... not when he's actually sick.

He'll use his sick days as an excuse to run off and do some wacky impossible case. And then come back and get yelled at.

But he never actually uses a sick day when he's sick.

Which is why he is currently passed out in his chair shaking with fever.

***** EARLIER *****

Barry woke up feeling horrible. 

Worse than he'd felt in a long time.

But did Barry take time to think that 'Oh! I must be sick. I should call in sick so I don't accidentally get others sick and so I can get better!'? Nope. He did not.

Instead, Barry groaned and got out of bed, feeling dizzy the moment he sat up. He wanted to vomit, but he held it back.

Barry trudged to the bathroom and washed his face and brushed his teeth. He popped some ibuprofen into his mouth and finished getting ready at a much slower pace than normal. 

He glanced at the microwave clock and cursed.

"Crap I'm late!" He yelled.

Correction: Tried to yell. It came out as a croak.

But did Barry think that this was yet another indicator to call in sick? Nah. 

He rushed out the door and hailed a cab. He was already late and he really didn't feel like running when he felt like his lung was going to explode.

"CCPD precinct one," Barry croaked to the driver. (I think that's what it's called. IDK.)

The driver raised an eyebrow at him, but drove off anyway. 

Barry handed him a wad of cash.

"Take care sonny," the driver said.

Barry just nodded and smiled.

He raced into the precinct, ignoring how dizzy and nauseous he felt. He was really starting to wish he had stayed in bed and texted Joe that he was sick.

Not that Joe would've believed him. 

So Barry dragged himself to the elevator and instantly regretted it when the doors closed. The elevator moved upward and Barry gripped the railing. 

'Mistake. Mistake. Mistake.' was the only thing running through his head as he tried not to hurl in the lift. (Dang I watch to much TV with brits in it. I've even started saying "Bollocks" at home and mum and dad are like- "wut?")

The elevator stopped and Barry steadied himself just in time for the doors to open. He stumbled out and made for the stairs. 

"Allen!" The Captain's familiar voice called.

'Crap' Barry thought. 

He made his way over to the Captain, head down. 

Singh didn't really look at Barry as he handed his some files and told him to stop being late, so he missed the pale pigment and dark circles and the overall look of 'sick' written on Barry's face. 

Barry, of course, just thanked whatever deities  were out there for helping him not get caught. Of course we- I MEAN THEY- were probably laughing at the fact that he was going to soon wish someone had sent him home the minute he stepped foot in the building. 

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