Growing Up 2

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15 years

"Don't touch that Barry." Otto said, not glancing up from his papers. 

Barry pulled his hand back from whatever he was about to touch. He was shadowing Otto for the day, but was doing a poor job of keeping his hands to himself.

"Or that."

Barry withdrew his hand again.

He huffed, "Is there anything I can touch?"

Otto thought for a moment, "No."

"Oh come on." Barry slumped in the chair across from the CSI.

"Sorry Bar, but you're clumsy. Very accident prone. You nearly accidentally destroyed the building in the first five minutes you were in here. You-"

"I get it." Barry cut him off. 

Otto smiled sympathetically. "Here," he said, shoving some papers to Barry, "You can try and figure out some of these cases for me."

An hour later Barry spoke again, "Do you have any more cases?" 

Otto looked at the boy, then the solved cases, then Barry again, "Unbelievable."

Barry shrugged sheepishly, "They were mostly solved anyway."

They both knew that wasn't true.

Otto grabbed a stack of papers and plopped it down in front of a now excited Barry.

"Have at it Sherlock."

17 years

Barry held up his keys, shaking them in Otto's face.

"Finally get your license then, Sherlock?"

Barry grinned,"Yup."

Margot chuckled, "let's see the picture."

"Oh no- no that's quite alright thank you." Barry said.

"Ha," Singh said, "It's funny that you think you have a choice."

Barry groaned. Joe just smirked knowingly in the background.

"I will tickle you," Margot threatened.

The lanky teen sighed in defeat. He pulled out his card, "I hate you all."

Singh couldn't hold back the snort that escaped him upon seeing the picture on the driver's license. Margot didn't even try to be nice and burst into laughter. Otto was laughing too, though not as hard as his cousin.

Even Bree had a hard time biting back her grin as she patted Barry on the shoulder.

"It's alright Bar," she attempted to comfort, "everyone's driver's license picture is bad."

"No." Barry said, "Everyone's driver's license picture is meh. Mine is... there are no words."

Margot laughed for another ten minutes while Barry grumpily ate a brownie.

14 years

Barry lifted his head with a snap as the guns went off.

Then his head was snapped back as someone roughly grabbed his collar. 

Then he felt the barrel of a gun roughly shoved nest to his head.

"Anybody moves and I blow his brains out!" the man holding him yelled.

Barry tried to be brave, but he was terrified. He squeezed his eyes shut so he was unable to see the looks of the officers. If looks could kill... those men would be dead ten times over. 

Barry opened his eyes as the man started giving orders. 

"I want you to go into that computer and get rid of anything against me and my brothers. Now!"

Barry saw Singh start to comply and something stirred in Barry. He couldn't let these men get away with this. Then they'd be free on the streets and more people would get hurt. Barry's fearful look became one of determination.

Not if he had anything to say about it. 

Barry stomped hard on the man's foot and used his bony elbow to jab his in the ribs. The man hunched over in pain with a shout of surprise.

Barry dropped to the ground and several guns went off, but he wasn't sure from who. But he figured one of them was from the man as he felt a burning pain in his right leg.

When Barry looked up from the floor, all the perpetrators were restrained and the lead guy was knocked out, courtesy of Margot. There was more commotion going on, but Barry couldn't focus on much else than the burning pain in his leg.

Joe ran over to him as Margot scooped him up. Barry whimpered at the movement.

"You brave idiot," Margot whispered as she rushed towards the doors, Joe and Bree at her side.

16 years

Barry came bounding into the precinct. He felt over the moon.

The happiness radiated off of him, making everyone smile. Nothing made anyone in the precinct happier than seeing their little brother so happy.

Becky Cooper, Barry's long time crush, had asked him out on a date. His crush. Asked him, Barry Allen, out on a date.

Life was good.


Life was terrible.

Becky Cooper was the worst.

Barry wanted to die in a hole.

And there was about to be a murder.

"Lemme at that little bitch," Margot growled, stalking towards the door.

Bree held her back with the help of Otto.

"Assaulting a minor is illegal, Margot," Otto reminded his cousin, "However, if we do something more subtle like running her over...."

"Just make sure it can't be traced back to you," Singh said, seemingly uninterested.

"Maybe Bree can make her a batch if poisonous brownies," Margot said, "A poison that causes a slow and painful death."

Otto smiled, "I know just the thing."

"I'm down for it," Bree agreed.

"Again," Singh said, glancing up from his papers, "just make sure it can't be traced back to you."

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