Vanessa Part 2

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Barry went home to his apartment and collapsed on his couch. He let out an oof as he collided with the furniture. Barry rubbed his face with his hands.

Why why why why why why why why did Vanessa Redlynn have to come to Central City? Why? Just Why. 

And even worse, she knew Barry was here, of course she still thought he was Chris though. He'd probably be looking over his shoulder for the next three to one hundred years of his life.

Barry was terrified. He was scared that she would find him and get to him. And he was afraid that he would fall for her tricks again. Barry's stomach turned at the thought.

 It was pretty early, but Barry decided to head to bed anyway. Not that he'd be getting any sleep. 

Around 3 o'clock in the morning, Barry finally fell asleep from sheer exhaustion. Then he woke up at 5 to get to work. He wanted to stop by Jitters and get some coffee, but he didn't want to run into Vanessa, so he decided against it. He moved at a snail's pace getting ready, he finished at 6, but he still had an hour before he needed to be at work. Normally, he would walk. But again, that would raise the chances of running into Vanessa. But he would probably see her today anyway, considering she knew where he worked. 

He hailed a taxi and arrived at work 45 minutes early. Barry walked in, and there was an audible gasp from several of his co workers. 

Joe walked up to him, "Morning' Bar." He looked at Barry, "Did you get any sleep last night?"

Barry shrugged and yawned, "Like, two hours."

Joe gaped at him, "Barry!" 

"Sorry," Barry said. He yawned again. 

Joe shook his head, "Get up to your lab and take a nap."

"Okay." Barry did as he was told. 

Joe sighed and watched his son crawl up the stairs. Ten minutes later, a girl with long brown hair walked into the precinct. She looked around and spotted Joe. 

She came up to him, "Excuse me Detective," she said sweetly.

"Hello miss. How can I help you?" Joe asked.

"I was looking for Barry? I met him yesterday, and I couldn't help but notice he looked a little sick. I'm worried about him. Do you know where I could find him?" She asked.

Joe smiled. Barry met a girl and didn't tell him? Dang. He gestured up the stairs, "He's up in his lab. It's the second one on the left. He might be asleep though."

"Okay. Thank you sir." the girl said. Then she headed up the stairs.

Joe smiled, how did Barry manage to get a girl like that? He shook his head again and went to his desk. 

Vanessa smiled as she made her way to Barry's lab. When she got there, she could see that he was indeed asleep. She saw a water bottle on the table and pulled a little box out of her bag. 

Vanessa grinned as she poured PCP into his water. She made sure it was well mixed and then went over to Barry.

"Chris," she said softly, stroking his face.

He stirred, then shot upright. He saw Vanessa and was about to yell, but she covered his mouth.

"No Chris. I'm not here to do anything. I wanted to apologize." she lied.

Barry looked at her through narrowed eyes.

She took this as a sign and continued, "After all that time in the mental hospital, I'm finally okay. And I wanted to say sorry, for all I put you through in high school."

Barry stared at her. She seemed so genuine, but she also seemed genuine in high school.

Vanessa morphed her face into one of shock and concern, "Chris! You look sick. Are you alright?"

Absentmindedly, Barry shook his head. 

Vanessa put a hand to her heart, "Take a drink of water. I'll take you home so you can get some rest. Okay?"

Barry nodded as if he were in a trance. He took a drink of his water. He already felt a little better. So he decided to take a couple more drinks. He smiled. Barry looked at Vanessa and grinned wider.

"Hey there babe," Vanessa said.

"Hi," Barry grinned.

"I'm gonna take you home, okay? So you can get some sleep."

"O-okay," he hiccuped.

Vanessa scooped Barry up so she was supporting him. "You're awfully tired sweetie." she said. Her voice was sweet, and made Barry want to listen and cling to every word she said.

She walked down the stairs supporting Barry, muttering things about him being a sick sleepy head so no one would question her. 

Joe noticed the girl that came in earlier supporting Barry and walking out. Joe jogged over to her.

"Is Barry alright?"

Vanessa looked at Joe, "Not really," she said sadly, "He was out cold when I went up to him. He felt a little warm too, so I'm going to take him home so he can get some rest."

"Thank you." Joe said, "I never caught your name."

"Oh! I'm Vanessa Redlynn, two n's." she said.

"Well thank you Vanessa," Joe said. He walked back to his desk.

Vanessa walked out of the precinct without any further trouble. She hailed a taxi and asked to go to a shop that was next to the forest area of Central City. 

Barry looked at her, "Are we not going home?"

"No silly," Vanessa smiled, "We're gonna go have a picnic. Hopefully some food will make you feel better."

Barry nodded, swaying, "Okey dokey." he hiccuped again. 

***** LINE BREAK *****

Singh sighed and walked over to Joe. He planned to talk to Joe about Barry, and ask him to keep an extra eye on him. 

When he got to Joe's desk, Joe was frowning a little.

"West," Singh said.

"Hey Captain," Joe said, "Did you need something?"

"Yeah, where's Allen at?" Singh asked, assuming he either wasn't here yet or he was up in his lab.

He wasn't expecting for Joe to say, "He's going home. He got here 45 minutes early..."

Singh raised his eyebrows, "Really?"

"Yeah. He only got two hours of sleep last night and he looked horrible." Joe said. Singh frowned, had had a feeling of why his CSI didn't get any sleep. "So I sent him up to his lab and told him to take a nap."

"So he's in his lab?"

"No. A young girl came and asked where he was. She apparently met him yesterday and noticed that he was looking sick. She came down a little later with Barry. He looked even worse for the wear, but he was smiling a little. Must be the girl. But she said she was taking him home to get some rest." Joe explained. 

Singh's eyes slowly widened throughout the story and his heart rate quickened. "Joe," he said, "What was the girl's name?"

Joe thought for a second, "Vanessa." He said. "Vanessa Redlynn."

Singh's heart officially stopped. 

Joe seemed to notice the Captain's behavior, "Are you alright David?"

Singh looked at Joe. "Barry's in danger. We need to find him now."


A/N- Just one more part. It was a little longer than I anticipated. Oh well! :)

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