"He's not one for romantic relationships. He has someone in his heart already, which is why he's not into you," Aruto responds, looking away as his face turns even more red.

Aruto seems to find me attractive or he's just flustered because I am up in his face.  He could be just a bit unnerved by me approaching him like this. He might be the shy, unapproachable type of guy when it comes to women.

"He has someone already?" I wonder who that is. "Is it a pretty woman? Prettier than me?"

"It isn't a woman exactly."

"So, it is a man?" He could be into guys. It isn't like it doesn't happen at all. 

He shakes his head. "It is a satellite that is underwater."

A satellite that is underwater is what gets Horobi going? What is that supposed to mean? I don't get how he can be into something like that? I'm better than a satellite, right? What does that satellite have that I don't have? 

Knock! Knock! Knock!

I lean back and Aruto stands up, clearing his throat a bit. He really is nervous about something. Did I try seducing him or something before? Is that what is bothering him? I don't think I would do that, but it could happen. I didn't even know I changed my name.

"I'll go and get that," he tells me, turning towards the door. "Drink your hot chocolate up and relax. See if you can figure something out without pushing it." But I want to push it. I'm curious about myself now.

He moves towards the door and I pick up my hot chocolate. I stand up and move around the small table that was holding my cup, heading towards the TV. I stop and stare at it as Gai Amatsu shows up on the screen. So, he's pretty famous then? Did I become someone who sleeps her way to the top?

"Hey, you're not supposed to be here! The Doctor said-"

"I do not care about what they said. She's my wife and she's coming home with me!" Gai exclaims and I turn, my eyes going to him as he pushes his way pass Aruto.

Aruto stumbles a bit and quickly recovers. He gets in front of Gai, keeping him from getting to me, and he grabs his shirt. He really doesn't want him to get closer to me and there has to be a reason for that. What is Gai Amatsu to me?

"Get your filthy hands off me," Gai orders, his eyes glaring at Aruto's face. Aruto looks angry for once, which is interesting to me. He seems so kind, so this seems quite odd to see.

"Mari is staying here. There is a reason why this is all going on and you know it," Aruto responds. There is a reason why I decided to get surgery and that was?

Gai's eyes leave Aruto's face and he looks at me. "Mari, we're going. You shouldn't associate with someone like him. He's bad for you and you will understand it eventually." Aruto is bad for me? How so? 

"She said she loved me at one point, but that she lost that spark for me. Oh, how it made me upset," he says, his voice calm as usual. "Even though I covered up how she died, she wasn't officially dead. She was on life support for a long time because Allen couldn't let the bitch go. I wondered why he had a sudden change of heart and then I saw you at that little event he had. Oh, you were so surprising to see. That disgusting face of yours...I hated when you stared at me with your filthy, pathetic eyes on that horrid face of yours."

"Then divorce me..." If I'm so disgusting to him, why can't he just let me go? "Let me be happy and free of you."

He pulls me against him roughly. "I won't let you go. I fixed the problem already since it had to do with your previous face. You were truly a disgusting looking woman before and it made me want to puke."


I step back, my body shaky as my eyes burn, and Aruto releases Gai. I swallow a bit and blink, tears leaving my eyes, and I shake my head. I don't want to go home with that man. I can't remember it clearly now, but I feel like I don't want to be around him.


I feel myself get pulled into someone's chest and I turn my head a bit, looking up a little, as Allen stares down at me. What was that feeling just now? That memory was vivid for a moment and then it just faded away. The only thing that has remained is the feeling.

"Get your hands off my wife. You've done enough to her, Allen," Gai spits out, trying to boss Allen around. That's not going to fly with Allen. He won't let him take me.

I normally wouldn't feel safe by Allen's side, but he's not the one threatening anyone. Well, he is threatening Gai but it isn't without reason. Gai is clearly the aggressor right now and I want to know why he's being like this. 

"I am aware that you're her husband, but your wife doesn't want to be with you. She came here for a reason and she's not going home with you. Take legal action if you want, President Amatsu, but I'll doubt it will get you far. I will testify that she doesn't want you along with a few others." Allen will do that? Is my relationship with Gai as bad as mine with Allen or was it worse?

"She doesn't want to leave with you, so please leave," Aruto begs, trying to get rid of Gai.

I look down. "I want to stay here..." I feel so afraid of him, but I don't understand why I do. What is so scary about Gai?

"Fine. Stay here and see what happens next. You'll come back to me. You always come back to me," Gai spits out and I close my eyes, shaking more.

Just who is this strange man? Who is he to me that he can just be like this? I know I'm married to him, I've seen the proof, but why? Why would I marry someone as awful as him? 

"He's gone now," Allen informs me. "Aruto, you can shut the door." 

"I'll get you some new hot chocolate. Allen, you can take her to the room and have her calm down," Aruto says, suggesting Allen take me some place away from this room. 

I open my eyes, my eyes going to Aruto as he shuts the door. "I'm fine." 

"Mari, I'll take you to your room," Allen tells me. "Aruto, bring the hot chocolate to her room when you're done out here. I'll come and clean up the mess that was made because of Gai. That man doesn't know when to give up." 

"Alright." Aruto nods. 

I want to understand what is going on here. What do they know that I don't know? 

A/n: Awww...Aruto/Mari <3 

Also, I'm dying at Mari not understanding why she's not attractive to people. While her confidence got low, she still thinks she's beautiful xD Love Mari.

I might post another chapter later (we'll see). Thank you for reading. 

Ps: Today's chapter title is from the song 'Go' by U;nee. I love her music and the song is a bit weird (I didn't like it too much at first, but I loved it after a few listens). I highly recommend a few of her songs: Adieu, Call Me, Call Call Call, Don't Cry Again, I Want You, Lipstick, and Sad Song. I do recommend all her music (she had a variety of styles of music she did). I also recommend what would have originally been her third album's title track, Solo Fantasy. The final album she did had Habit released, which I did recommend before. The English lyrics are pretty cringe in her songs, but that is because of old kpop kind of doing that kind of thing. There are still cringe worthy kpop lyrics these days, but it isn't as bad as back thens. 

Thank you for reading the entire note xD Sorry for recommending U;Nee once again, but I do really like her music. I would list all her songs I like if I could. 

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