Part 27

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Ananya’s Pov:

Harshi opened the door for me.
“Are you fine? why your face is so red? Everything is good between you two, right?” Harshi asked and me because of running from the gate to room, I’m trying to take my breath normally.

“Why are you not answering my questions? Something happened right? I can smell that.” She said with a mischievous tone, lifting her one eye brow.

“What would happen, nothing. I was scared to walk alone so, I run.” Which isn’t lie. I didn’t scare but I had run till room. I act like nothing happen. But, Harshi is looking at me and reading my eyes.

“O really! But your face is saying something. So, I can take it, everything is alright between you two. Phew! Today, I can sleep without any tension. Now, tell me in details.” She isn’t going to leave me easily.

“mm…he went on his knee and proposed me to be his girlfriend and I said yes.” I said to her. Even now, my cheeks are beginning to heat.

“Oh ho, someone is blushing.” I throw a pillow at her, which made her laugh and a smile automatically appears in my lips seeing her smiling face.

“I’m so happy for you both. When there are sparks from both sides, it bounds to be happened. And it’s good that he realises it before I did something to him.” Suddenly she realised something and bite her tongue.

“What was that?” there is something and she is hiding it from me.

“I kind of threatened him. And it’s totally his fault. Because of him you were sad. So, I did it for you. I wanted both of you to be happy.” I was supressing my laugh but couldn’t hold it anymore. Harshi looks at me with puppy eyes. Holding my laugh, I asked her…

“Ok, show me the messages.” She gave her phone to me and looking at the messages, again I started to laugh. Who’s going to afraid seeing these messages? But it clearly shows that how much she cares for me.

“I love you my cutie pie. Thank you for always caring for me.” I gave her a hug. She indicates me to further see the messages. I scroll down.

“I won’t hurt her anymore. I promise.”

N.B: I agree, I’m an idiot.

Don’t know why this made me emotional as well as one part of me is happy and grinning.

“Ok, it’s late. I’m going to change and freshen up.” I took my PJ and went to bathroom.

After freshen up, I throw myself on my bed. I’m tired. I hear a beep and see my mobile

“Good night, love.”

“Good night, Captain.

I’m feeling ecstatic. This is because, I never been in a relationship. The whole relationship thing is new to me and Shiv as well. I fell asleep thinking about our future, what is awaiting for us. Yes, there is no me anymore, there is us. Shiv and Ananya.

I woke up on my mummy’s call. I answered the call. Ahh! This reminds me, I forgot to call her last night. This is going to be a long day, Ani. You’re dead.

“Good morning, mummy.”

“Good morning, Ani. Why didn’t you call me yesterday? I was about to call you but your papa said, you must be busy that’s why you didn’t call. So, I dropped the idea of calling you and waited for your call. So, Ananya Singh may I know the reason, why you forgot to call us?” I’m feeling guilty, right now.

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