Part 26

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Shiv’s Pov:

“It was my treat, I’ll pay.” She again opens her purse to give the money. Yes, when the boy came and gave the bill, she took it and said that she will pay the bill. And from then we are arguing on it, who will pay the bill with giving reason.

“No, I was the one who suggest first, right? So, I’ll pay.” Yes, it was me. So, I will.

“No, I’ll.” why can’t she just let me pay the bill without arguing.

“Ananya, this is our first date. How can I allow you to pay the bill? And I don’t want you to pay the bill from your pocket money. Let me pay. Treat me as much as you want when you’ll get a job in future.” I somehow distract her mind by saying that. She seems lost or she is thinking something. I have to ask her but before that I have to pay.

I paid the bill. We came out from the restaurant. There are only two couples sitting on the wooden desk. I gesture Ananya to take a seat on a desk, little far from them. Ok, it’s time for confession.

“You wanted to say something?” I started the talk.

“Yes. But I don’t know, is it fine to ask you or not because it is kind of too personal to ask.” She is hesitating to ask; I can say by her voice.

“Ananya, if you want to ask me related to what is happening in these days then, I have answers for you. Don’t hesitate, just ask me. Or do you want me to say first?” she just nodded. Say it Shiv, you gave her enough hard time and more of all she deserves to know it.

“Firstly, I want to say sorry to you. I’m very sorry for all this what is happening in our life from last week. I’m very sorry that I brought the topic out of blue and gave you a hard time during your exam because of which I’m very ashamed of myself. This is all because I couldn’t forget about my dad and I’m still carrying him in my heart. And the think of death is in my mind. It is true that I don’t afraid of dying but I don’t want my dear ones to go through the pain. But this is the fact of life, we don’t know when we’ll die. So, we have to face it and move forward in our life. So, I’ve decided and set my mind to face it rather than being a coward and regret it later. So, forgive me.” I said it looking at her eyes.

“You did nothing wrong. You just reacted the way you felt and it’s good that you realise it by yourself that it’s not good to think that way. And I’m proud that even you know and has been carrying that thought in your mind since childhood, you had decided and joined the Army. Very few people have that courage, Shiv. I think, aunty also proud of you and don’t worry uncle is always with you and giving his blessing from there.” It really means a lot that she understood my point of view and encouraged me in her way. What could I ask from God other than that? An understanding girlfriend? For that you have to ask her first, Shiv.

“Thank you for understanding me, Ananya. Well, we had enough serious talk let’s come to the point now. So, Miss Ananya Singh, will you be my girlfriend?” I got down on my knee and hold her right hand. Ananya, well she is covering her mouth by her left hand. Yeah, she is shocked. She didn’t expect this, I think. Even I wasn’t thinking to do this but don’t know from where I got this idea. Girls like it right? I mean they want this type of proposal, right? Oh god! Why she isn’t replying anything? Her eyes are becoming moist. Oh God! She is crying. Shit! Shiv. You made her cry. What am I going to do now? Then she nodded and a smile appears in her lips. She said yes or what?

“Ananya, it’s a yes or no? I can’t get it.” I’m still on my knee. And my heart is beating fast to hear her answer from her mouth.

“Yes.” Did she say yes?

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