Part 23

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Ananya's pov:

I couldn't sleep much, so I woke up early and did my morning rituals. Harshi is also up and reading her book. Mummy called me and wish me luck for the exam. Shiv didn't call or message me like other days. I'm still waiting, hoping he will call me.

"Ani, it's time to get ready." I hurriedly grabbed my cloth and went to bathroom.

"Slowly Ani. I don't want you to fracture your leg again." She said loudly.

Phew! Exam is over. As I expected, Harshi did well in her paper and I was also able to complete all my practical works within the given time.

After coming from uni, we craved for pizza and ordered it.

"So, what's going on between you two?" Harshi asked me while eating her pizza slice.

"He said he loves me. Again, he said he won’t disturb me anymore. Because he doesn’t want me to go through the way like his mom has been going if anything would happen to him. Only he knows what is going on in his mind now." It hurts me. Remembering whatever he had said again and again, it hurts. He will forget me soon.

“This is ridiculous. He can’t do that. If he truly loves you then he can’t be able to stay away from you. And I know, my Shiv bhaiya loves you a lot. So, don’t worry. You just wait and watch, how he would come after you.” that's what I'm thinking. I have to put some sense in his brain. It would work right? It would work or not, I don’t care. I just want him to understand my point of view, what I want. Because, whatever he is doing, isn’t right for both of us. We both aren't happy. Why can’t he understand the simplest thing that being together matters the most. Leaving me isn’t going to give him a solution. It is creating more problems between us. I know, he has gone through a lot since his father's death. But thinking of that the same would happen with him, is wrong. He is wrong here.


I waited for Shiv's call but didn't get any. So what, I can call him right?

As he received the call, I didn't give him a chance to speak. I directly asked “Why didn't you call me?”

“I was busy” excuse. Captain Shiv Kapoor knows how to excuse. I know, he ignored me the whole day.

“So, already started to ignoring me?” I couldn't help but asked.

“I was really busy. How was your exam?” first comes out with excuse and now changing the topic. Great.

“It was good and it's over. So..” why am I hesitating to ask him about the dinner? He said, he will go as he promised. And moreover, he was the one who suggested me about the dinner, right?


“So, what do you think about going to the dinner on Saturday?” I said it.

“Saturday? I don't have any problem. Yeah, we can go on Saturday.” I didn't expect this. I thought, he doesn't want to go out with me anymore. But he keeps his promise.

“Ok, Saturday 8 pm then. I'll be waiting at Police bazar.”

“Why Police bazar? Be ready at 7.30 pm, I'll be there at your pg to pick you up.”

“No, I'll go by taxi.” I don't need another help from him. I can go by myself. He is going to ignore me after the dinner, right?

“Don't be stubborn, Ananya.” now, I'm stubborn. Wow!

“Call me stubborn or whatever you want, but I'll go by taxi. Stop caring for me because you won't be here for me always, right? Don't forget what you said Captain Shiv Kapoor.” I cut the call. I don't wanna talk about this on call. I'll talk with him on Saturday. So, let's see what will happen. After all, everything happens for a reason, right? See you on Saturday, Shiv.


Shiv's pov:

When you want to hear her voice so badly, but you're holding yourself from calling her. And doing this, gives you only pain. Her morning voice, which gives me a reason to smile for the whole day. I missed it. After breakfast, I was busy and couldn't notice how the time passed. Again, in the lunch time, I was looking at her number but didn't call her. I was trying to convince myself in my mind from not to call her. Because she deserves a better person, who can gives her immense happiness and time, who can be always with her like a shadow. The thought of her with another man, is killing me from yesterday. Why am I not able to think her with another man? I'm the one, who decided to stay away from her even after her confession, right? I have to let go of her, if I want to see her happy in future. I have to let her go.


She called and even asked me for the dinner. As promised, this would be my first and last date. Though, I didn't ask her formally, it's a real date for me. I will try to do my best for you Ananya. It would be a memorable day for me, which I could carry on my heart for lifetime. Because, you would be there with me. My stubborn girl, who hears everyone's except mine. Always ready to argue with me.

These two and half months, was magical, like a miracle happened. Yeah, meeting her is not less than a miracle for me. But destiny has it's own way, right? Because of destiny, I met Ananya and Harshi.

Thinking of Harshi, I got some messages from her. Yeah, I was expecting those messages or at least a call from her.

"You're seriously an idiot. Do you know that?"

"You loves a girl but can't be with her because you want her happiness. What kind of logic is this? And do you want to become a brahmachari?"

"I think, you lost your mind somewhere. Because you're thinking to leaving a girl like Ani."

"I'm sorry. I talked that way but I'm right. Don't hurt, Ani. And I know, you're in pain too. That's why I'm saying, take back whatever you said to Ani. I want to see both of you happy."


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