Part 35

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Shiv’s Pov:

The doorbell rings. Who can be at this time? Mom just went for a walk and Ananya told me she won’t come today.

“Surprise!” here she is with a big smile; I couldn’t help but smile and side hugged her because of my injury. This means she’ll stay with us until I left. I’m happy. I’m more than happy. When she cleared her throat then I realised someone is here with her. I left her from my embrace.

“Let me introduce you both. Shiv, this is Neeraj my project partner and a very good friend of mine. Neeraj, this is Shiv who is very special to me.” So, this is the Neeraj guy.

“Hello, Neeraj.” Neeraj said Hello to me. He seems uncomfortable here.
“Please come inside.”

“His home is near the chowk, so I asked him to drop me here. Where is mom?” Ananya asked looking here and there.

“Mom went for a walk.” “Thank you for dropping her here. I can’t drive because of my injury. So, thank you”


“you guys talk. I’m going to prepare tea.” Saying that Ananya went to the kitchen.

“Ananya told me you both are doing well in your project.”

“Yes, we’re giving our best.”

“What happened to your shoulder?” Neeraj asked me to point at my shoulder.

“Here some water” Ananya came and place the glass of water in the table.

“This was because of terrorists attack. Oh! I never mentioned you that he is in Army. Did I?”

“N…No” said like he tried to remember about it.

“You didn’t even tell him about me?” I asked her to raise my eyebrows.

“We go to office to do our works, not to gossip Mr. And he isn’t a girl with whom I gossip about my love life. Moreover, no one can take Harshi’s place. She took my promise before I left Shillong that she’ll be the only person in my life with whom I could share my personal information apart from you. So, I didn’t.”

“What can I expect from Harshi other than that but you also? You girls are unbelievable. Who can promise things like this?”

“We, Harshi and I. What is the big deal about it?”


“I never thought she can be this childish.” Saying that Neeraj chuckled lightly.

“Don’t make fun of me. I’m here only.”

“We’re not.”

“Shiv, I can’t find the cookies.”

“Wait.” I entered the kitchen and Ananya was searching in every container for cookies.

“Cookies isn’t on that side. It’s here.” I gave the container to her.

“Is this the feeling of every newlyweds feel?”

“What? What feelings are you talking about?”

“This.” I hugged her back and kissed her on the cheek. “When new bride entered the kitchen for the first time and couldn’t find the required things in the kitchen and call the husband for help and then they romanced in the kitchen. You know I’m not exaggerating; I saw many films like that.”

“I already guessed that. And Shiv, we’re not married yet. So, leave the romance for latter, we’ve a guest here. Remember?”

“Ahh! My bad.”

After having tea Neeraj takes his leave.

“it’s nice meet you.”

“it’s nice meet you too.”

Neeraj seems like a kind-hearted guy. Ananya was right. I was overthinking it.


Ananya’s Pov:

Days in Kapoor house are really going well. Shiv’s wound is healing fast. Now, he can eat by himself without anyone’s help. Mummy calls and sometimes papa but Papa doesn’t know that I’m staying in Shiv’s home. I’m feeling guilty day by day and Shiv also notices this. That’s why he and mom thinking about going to Dehradun to tell about our relationship to Papa. Or you can say ask for my hand.

“I don’t know how he is going to react after knowing about our relationship.”

“Don’t worry everything will be alright.”

“I hope so.”


At office, Neeraj and I finished preparing maps. Now, we’re working on our writing parts. So, we don’t have much work. Therefore, I came home early.

“You came early!”

“Yes mom. Where is Shiv?” usually when I came from office Shiv and mom busy watching TV. But today, he isn’t here.

“He is in room. Got a letter and since then he isn’t coming out from his room. You go and see what he is doing.”

I went towards his room and knocked at his door.

“Shiv, what’s going on? Open the door.” He opened the door. He looks sad. Why is he packing his cloths? He was planning to go on the next week after coming from Dehradun.

“Why are you packing your clothes?”

“I need to report on day after tomorrow. I got a letter from unit earlier. I have booked the flight ticket, it’s on tomorrow morning.”

“But you weren’t going till next week, how can they just send a letter to join earlier?”

“Come…shhhh…don’t cry.” He made me sit on the edge of the bed and kneeled in front of me.

“Love, I’m sorry I can’t be able to go to Dehradun to talk with Sir this time, but I promise when I’ll come next time, I’ll go there. I hope you’ll be ready for marriage till then. I know I’m not asking you in a proper way with a ring like other boys do. Don’t give the answer immediately. Think tonight and tell me tomorrow if you’re ready to marry me or not. So that I can ask Sir for your hand directly for marriage.  Ok?”

“No. I mean I don’t need the night to think about it. Because I’m already yours and want to be yours for forever. I’m ready to marry you Shiv. I’ll be waiting for you. Try to come soon. And don’t forget to bring the ring next time or I’ll change my mind.”

“I won’t forget. You can’t come regularly but whenever you get time please come here to stay with mom. I know I’m asking too much from you. You already came to stay with us without even thinking what will happen if sir get to know about it.”

“you don’t have to worry about that I’ll surely come and stay. Just take care of yourself. Don’t give us heart attack, I don’t want to see you like that again. You understand?”

“Yes, I understand. And you, don’t work till late night, don’t drink too much coffee and have your meals on time.”

“I’ll. Do you need any help with packing your bags?”

“No. You just seat on the bed, I’ll do by myself.”

“Why didn’t you tell mom yet?”

“She’ll be upset after knowing that and I don’t want to see her sad face.”

“She already sensed it by seeing your behaviour, go tell her or she’ll be paranoid. In the meantime, I’ll freshen up and join you both. Later I’ll help you with your packing.”

“Ok madam I’m going.”


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