Part 5

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Ananya's pov:

I'm going tonight by train with my papa's junior. My parents invited him for dinner after that we are going to Station.

My all luggages are packed by me then repacked by mummy and lastly rearranged by Papa like always. Yes, this happens all the time when I went to hostel or anywhere. They always check how I packed clothes, shoes, boots and sandals, whether I took all my thighs or not. After they both checked that all the things are there, they declared that my bags are packed.

I wear my track pant and a oversized top, which is very comfortable for long journey and waiting for Uncle. My papa called him, he said he is on his way to our home. After five minutes the bell ring. Mummy is in kitchen so I went to open the door. When I opened the door a handsome well built boy is standing with a bag pack. He must be Uncle's son.

He said "Hello" with a smile. I also replied with "Hi" with a smile and look for Uncle. But I didn't see Uncle. So, I asked him

"You must be here to see off  Uncle na? where is Uncle?"

Looking here and there with a confused face he said "Which uncle? What are you talking about?"

Now, I'm confused. At the time, papa came and greet him "Captain Shiv, you are here . Come, come. Ani, let him in. Why are you standing at the door?"

I opened the door widely, he went in and when he passed by me he winked at me without papa's notice.

Oh my God. He winked at me. And most importantly, he is the one with whom I am going to Shillong. Papa didn't tell me anything about him. I thought he is some Uncle but this captain is so young and handsome. Like seriously, I'm thinking this now. But why did he wink at me ?

Akash came and hug him "Hey buddy, How are you? How's school?" asked Mr Captain Shiv Kapoor. Note my sarcasm. They knew each other then . Ok, good for them. I rolled my eyes.

"All good, I'm going to miss you bro."

"Thank God, you called bro unlike someone who imagined me as Uncle and I'm going to miss u too" Shiv said with a smirk looking at me. Akash laughed hearing his so called joke.

"You can come to see your sis to Shillong on your vacation time and I will be there also." again said by I'm so great Captain Shiv Kapoor.

" You know, she didn't invite me but you will be there na. So, I will surely come to see you." Akash said this, taking Shiv's side.

"Dinner is ready." Mummy called us. Today, I'm going so, mummy didn't let me touch anything. She did all works alone. I insisted to do but she was like "you don't have to do anything. I'll do it."

Mummy prepared all of my favourite dishes for me and sadly it's turned out Mr Shiv Kapoor's favourite also. When he joined Dinning table

"Awww! All of my favourite dishes. Thank you, Mrs. Singh"

"These's all are Ani's fav too. So, I prepared and don't call me so formally. You can call me Aunty, Shiv" my mummy said with a smiley face.

"Ow really, I thought it's only my fav" looking at me with a amused tone and his eyes were shining in different way. I silently eat my dinner without uttering a word and looking at him.

Dinner went good. Now, we are at train station. My family is here to say final goodbye. Mummy and papa reminds me a thousand times to eat properly at time. No skipping of breakfast, lunch and dinner. They requested Captain Shiv kapoor to look after me if necessary. Because they know he has duties and also I don't want someone to look after me. I am not a person who like to depend on someone. I'm a independent girl.

The train came, papa and shiv take the luggage to our cabin. We followed them. They arranged the luggages under the seat. Mummy is hugging me, said me to take care in a mumbled voice. We are crying silently. Akash is also looking sad, he comes and hugged me. Lastly, papa joined us...The train is about to start so, they said goodbyes and left the train. I'm going to really miss them. Tears rolling down my cheeks. I won't be able to see them like everyday and this thought breaks my heart.

Papa called me and said " Don't cry Ani. We will come to see you beta. Love you, Happy journey." I know he couldn't say it in front of my eyes. We talked a bit.

When I ended the call, I realised someone is looking at me. Oh, I forgot that Mr Kapoor is also here.


You're Always in My Heart ❤Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ